• Hi,

    I’m new to wordpress but have managed to set up a blog I’m pretty happy with using the Agregado theme. Unfortunately, as I’m not up to scratch at editing themes there are a few annoying things I can’t figure out.

    1. The font colour used for comments is the same used for titles. This means that either the title is almost unreadable or the comment is almost unreadable. I do not know how to specify one colour for the comments font and another for the title font. This is also true of the “recent comments” and “popular topics” titles as they are either invisible on the home page or invisible in the topics pages.

    2. After posting a picture into a blog post the tags for the post are shown at the side of the picture looking very odd as opposed to beneath the post.

    3. I’m not sure how to show images from posts on the home page, this may simply mean showing more of the post on the home page but I don’t know how to do that.

    If anyone can help me sort these issues out I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you!

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