• Hi everyone!

    I’m Marcell from ithon.info, a Hungarian IT-related website.

    This year we are planning a huge project, to help WP being more accessible. What does it mean?

    We organize an online comptetition for thousands of Hungarian IT experts fot the second time this year. We thought, that with gathering so much knowledge, we could use it for something good for mankind. That is how accessibility comes to the picture.

    During the main competition, there will be a “bonus” competition, which means, that competitors can select accessibility issues to solve, gaining extra points for the solution. Pracitcally it means, that they will see the WordPress accessibility ticket list (https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/query?status=!closed&focuses=~accessibility&order=status), among some other one, and start solving them in a huge amount (we hope at least).

    Our problem is, that we are not IT experts, just organizers. We need your help to check the solutions the competitors send in, and decide whether they are good at solving the problem or not. These decisions must be made in three weeks after the solution has been sent in.

    Our question is: Can you help us in checking these solutions or help to find the appropriate reviser?

    Thanks for your help! We hope that with your help, alongside a lots of Hungarian IT experts we can take a huge step in making the lives of our fellow men better.

    [Signature redacted]

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  • WordPress already has a way to work with through these issues, and you’ve linked to it in your post. Why not just have you competitors contribute to core, and then you can monitor the responses to their solution from https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/.

    Keep in mind, everything here at www.ads-software.com is done by volunteers. While your goals may be laudable, the best way to ensure your contributors’ goals actually make it into WordPress core is to work through the existing WordPress development mechanisms.

    Thread Starter ithoninfo


    Thanks for the response!

    The problem is the time. We need response to the solutions in a maximum of 3 weeks. After that, we need to know, whether the solution is right or not. It does not mean, that it actually have to make into WordPress core, it is enough to have someone competent who states that a solution is good and could be working, or not. Because we need to inform the competitors about the bonus points.

    If it is not possible, we’ll have to omit wordpress from the campaign, which would be a pity.

    Hey @ithoninfo,
    WordPress is a large project, with some complicated accessibility issues.
    Some tickets are discussed for many months until we agree on a solution.

    Rating a solution for greatness or code quality within 3 weeks is not really how we work in an open source community.

    We very much appreciate any help we can get on the accessibility issues, but if a solution is good or makes it into core is team work and needs careful consideration.

    Thread Starter ithoninfo


    Dear Rian!

    Thanks for the response. We haven’t give up yet to include WordPress issues in the competition, so my question is, that is it possible to decide, which tickets are that complicated, that they will be discussed fo months, and whoch are those, that are a bit easier?
    Maybe we should only include the latter group of tickets, hoping that it is more likely, the related solutions can be judged in less time.

    Or is 3 week a really short time? What is the average time of rating a solution? I emphasize, that we don’t need them to be made in the core in that much time, just to have information whether they are feasible or not.

    [Signature redacted]

    Hey @ithoninfo,

    We discussed this within the accessibility team and we don’t have the time or resources to help you with this. I’m sorry to disappoint you here.

    [Signature moderated]

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Hi @ithoninfo, Welcome to the forums and thank you for posting this. I just have to ask you to lose the signature when posting here, thanks!

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