In case anyone runs across this from a google search, I have figured it out. You need to use javascript. To accomplish it, you place this in the head of the page:
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var tmr = null, ebd = null;
function makesound(file) {
if (!ebd) {
var snd = document.createElement(’embed’);
snd.setAttribute(“name”, “hoversound”);
snd.setAttribute(“id”, “hoversound”);
snd.setAttribute(“src”, file);
snd.setAttribute(“autostart”, “true”);
snd.setAttribute(“loop”, “false”);
snd.setAttribute(“volume”, “150”);
snd.setAttribute(“hidden”, “true”);
if (tmr) {
tmr = setTimeout(‘killsound()’, 200);
ebd = true;
else {
return makesound(file);
function killsound() {
ebd = null;
NOTE — The timeout option can be adjusted. 1000 = 1 second.
Then, where you want the file you play, you place the following command outside the image or link:
<span id=”sound-holder”>
And then the following command inside the Herf:
onMouseOver=”makesound(‘Tock.wav’);” onMouseOut=”makesound(”);”
The onMouseOver command plays the effect, the onMouseOut points to null so that it does not play a second time when you move the cursor off the image/link.
So my full code looked like the following (assuming the code stated above is already in the header):
<span id=”sound-holder”>
<div id=”signup”
<img class=”title” src=”<?php if ( get_option(‘woo_logo’) <> “” ) { echo get_option(‘woo_logo’).'”‘; } else { bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/images/signup.png<?php } ?> ” alt=”Click to Follow Me On Twitter” />
<h1 class=”replace”>“><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></h1>