• I have just installed wordpress onto my server and was hoping that with my admittedly VERY basic knowledge with websites i would be able to create something looking slightly decent. I havn’t!
    So, I would appreciate some advise on a very basic level if you wouldnt mind.
    I am not overly interested in using the blog page but instead would prefer to use the page function. I am using the simple templated version that comes as standard with wordpress because I want something quite simple.
    Does anyone have any idea about how I can remove all the topic headings on the right of the page (ie archives, categories, blogroll etc etc). I would instead prefer to replace these with five simple links to five other pages that i want to exist on my site.
    I have MANY more questions but this would be a good start for me to get my teeth into.
    thanks for any help!

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  • Hi crafty0000, I think we are at the same level here, I think I can help you though. As I have done the same thing remove the coding from the sidebar.php, to the relvent bits of code you want to remove.

    its under apperance>editor

    look for something like this, but before you do; don’t forget to have backups of the files you are editing.

    <li id=”categories”>

      <?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&show_count=0&hierarchical=1’) ?>

    and again

    <li id=”archives”>

      <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly’) ?>

    By removing these will, take them out of the side bar.

    A tip, save the code you have cut and paste it into a txt file just in case you need to call on them.

    Well a short question with a possibly looong answer. Althought let’s give you a go on a few basic things…

    1. Add a few pages in the Pages -> Add new
    2. To change your firstpage go to: Settings -> Reading and then choose a static page (the list shows your currectly added pages)
    3. To remove everything beneath the pages in the right sidebar you need to do this:
    – Go to your wordpress installation and into the default theme, that is:
    – Open up the sidebar.php in an html editor – this is the file that contains everything shown in the sidebar to the right. I dont know about your html/php skills but this shouldn be a problem. At line 54 you have <li><h2>Achives</h2> and then at line 75 you have <?php } ?>. Everything from line 54 to 75 you want to comment so it is not read. What you do is simply add <!-- just before the <li> at 54 like this:<!--<li><h2>Achives</h2> and at line 75 you need to close the comment like this:<?php } ?>-->. Save the document. Now it wont show the post stuff and you can easily bring it out again by removing the comments.

    That’s a fair starters. Sorry if you already know coding and stuff. I may have overdone basicwise. Be sure to ask if you have any more questions!

    By the way, the template that calls for the sidebar.php (inserts it) is the page.php.

    Good luck!


    Hi, yes as zandebar said, you can edit the files in the wordpress editor under apperance -> editor. There you can find the sidebar.php file to edit!
    Sorry for the confusion, i never use it and almost forgot it exists ??


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