Hello @moriyonet,
The classes names corresponding to the fields elements are listed in the following link:
If you want modify the appearance of fields you should redefine the class through the “Customize Form Design” attribute in the “Form Settings” tab (https://cff.dwbooster.com/images/documentation/form-settings-tab.png)
For example, if you want change the colors of texts and background of the fieldsets’ legends, the style definition would be similar to:
#fbuilder .cff-container-field legend{bacground:red !important; color:white !important;}
The background of the fieldset would be similar to:
#fbuilder fieldset.cff-container-field{bacground:gray !important;}
If you want to display the equation’s result into a text, for example:
The result of the equation is: XXXX
Assuming that the calculated field is the fieldname1, An alternative (but not the unique) would be insert a “HTML Content” field in the form with the following piece of code as its content:
The result of the equation is: <span id="result-here"></span>
jQuery(document).on('change', '[id*="fieldname1_"]', function(){jQuery('[id="result-here"]').html(this.value);});
Or if the equation associated to the calculated field is: fieldname2+fieldname3, enter as the content of the “HTML Content” field the piece of code:
The result of the equation is: <span id="result-here"></span>
and edit the equation as follows:
var result = fieldname2+fieldname3;
return result;
If you want customize the labels of specific fields, first, assign a custom class name to these fields, for example: my-custom-field
Note that the class names are assigned to the fields through their attributes: “Add CSS Layout Keywords”, and then, define the new class into the “Customize Form Design” attribute:
#fbuilder .my-custom-field label{font-weight:bold;}
If you need additional help customizing your form’s design, I can offer you a custom coding service from my private website:
Best regards.