I’m having this exact problem. Here is the code I’m using:
function simpay_custom_create_user_from_charge( $charge ) {
error_log(print_r($charge, true));
add_action( ‘simpay_charge_created’, ‘simpay_custom_create_user_from_charge’ );
The error log outputs the following array, which as you can see does not contain a value for receipt_email, even though I entered an email address during this test.
Stripe\Charge Object
[id] => ch_1D7RiTLhh3u9e6qZn7MQOGV6
[object] => charge
[amount] => 100
[amount_refunded] => 0
[application] =>
[application_fee] =>
[balance_transaction] => txn_1D7RiTLhh3u9e6qZJLmCDcoB
[captured] => 1
[created] => 1536256589
[currency] => usd
[customer] => cus_DYYqmNCD57AFWe
[description] =>
[destination] =>
[dispute] =>
[failure_code] =>
[failure_message] =>
[fraud_details] => Array
[invoice] =>
[livemode] =>
[metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object
[on_behalf_of] =>
[order] =>
[outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object
[network_status] => approved_by_network
[reason] =>
[risk_level] => normal
[risk_score] => 30
[seller_message] => Payment complete.
[type] => authorized
[paid] => 1
[receipt_email] =>
[receipt_number] =>
[refunded] =>
[refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object
[object] => list
[data] => Array
[has_more] =>
[total_count] => 0
[url] => /v1/charges/ch_1D7RiTLhh3u9e6qZn7MQOGV6/refunds
[review] =>
[shipping] =>
[source] => Stripe\Card Object
[id] => card_1D7RiPLhh3u9e6qZ0jNEkJpk
[object] => card
[address_city] =>
[address_country] =>
[address_line1] =>
[address_line1_check] =>
[address_line2] =>
[address_state] =>
[address_zip] =>
[address_zip_check] =>
[brand] => Visa
[country] => US
[customer] => cus_DYYqmNCD57AFWe
[cvc_check] => pass
[dynamic_last4] =>
[exp_month] => 12
[exp_year] => 2033
[fingerprint] => pgTVb9sgK1ypYWC8
[funding] => credit
[last4] => 4242
[metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object
[name] => [email protected]
[tokenization_method] =>
[source_transfer] =>
[statement_descriptor] =>
[status] => succeeded
[transfer_group] =>
So receipt_email is returning a blank value despite the fact that I added an email address when filling out the Stripe form.
Could it have to do with it being a test transaction? I’ve deactivated all plugins except WP Simple Pay and the helper plugin with the above code and reset the theme to twentyseventeen and am still getting the issue.