Go to your website, look in the folder: wp-content/plugins/pj-news-ticker and edit the file pj-news-ticker.php
At around line 170 you can add this code to include the post thumbnail:
if (has_post_thumbnail($post)) {
$content .= '<img width="100" src="'.get_the_post_thumbnail_url($post).'">';
You can change width=’100″ to whatever size you like.
The whole block should look something like this:
$content .= '<span class="pjnt-item">';
$content .= '<a target="'.$options['target'].'" href="'.get_permalink($post).'">'.get_the_title($post);
if (has_post_thumbnail($post)) {
$content .= '<img width="100" src="'.get_the_post_thumbnail_url($post).'">';
if ($options['show_excerpt'] == 'true') {
$content .= ' - '.get_the_excerpt($post);
$content .= '</a>';
$content .= '</span>';
This is not something I want to include officially, as I don’t think it looks good. I think the marquee should be text only. But you are free to modify your own copy as you like. This should get you what you want.
Good luck.