I CANNOT install wordpress
Hi, I CANNOT install the program, do not speak any computer languages and BARELY understand the lingo. Until this I thought I was as reasonably computer-literate as any adult, but I have never had to copy code and search vast expanses of files with mystical names for non-existent buttons, files and links like this before. I have to admit, I thought that with the number of people out there with blogs it would be possible to click and drag the necessary program file into a website if that is what you’re trying to create.
I keep reading articles about how it is so easy a newborn could do it, but I have been at it on and off for a few evenings now (didn’t realise I am this stupid). I bought a domain (from 1&1), then tried following the instructions from several different sites … created a database, renamed the wp-config-sample.php file and edited the text in Notepad . . . downloaded filezilla. Filezilla will not let me find my database to try to transfer anything. phpMyAdmin will not allow my to import anything. I do not speak any computer language and frankly I don’t understand what I’m doing, despite trying to follow more than 10 differnt sites, all with different instructions for how installing wordpress can be done so easily. Frankly I don’t even know how this program is even going to link to my actual domain name (where I want the blog) once — and if ever — I get it installed in this supposed database that I only created beacuse it was where I was supposed to put wordpress. I am starting to think buying a domain was a waste of money and I should have just gone with a free blogging site where I could just type away. I’d appreciate it if someone could explain in English (not computer-ese) the actual steps I need to follow to make this happen. Thanks so much to anyone who can do it. A little frustrated, as you can probably tell.
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