• Hello here in the forum!
    Right at the beginning, I’m Newbe in the Jigoshop! I have set up a WordPress site that deals with holiday activities. I installed Jigoshop, ver. 2.1.16, that works pretty well so far. Unfortunately, I can not find a way for the customer to enter a date, from date to date when booking. Which is essential for the organization of the activities payment. For example, from 08.09.2018 to 22.09.2018 should be paid for an activity.
    Maybe someone of you knows how to set it up. As I said, I’m Newbe, a statement should be as simple and detailed as possible.
    Hope you can help me, otherwise I have to search again for a suitable shop system.
    Greetings from DK,

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  • Hi,
    We’re in the process of creating a booking extension compatible with Jigoshop eCommerce. Could you elaborate a bit more on what you’re trying to do at the moment, so that I can suggest a workaround?

    Thread Starter Wim2013


    Thank you for your prompt reply.
    I would like to sell Bike Tours in the Jigoshop. The customer should specify from when (date) to when (date) he wants to book a Tour.
    For example, I book the offered Tour # 2 from the Jigoshop and choose from the integrated calendar, from 15.05.2019 to 19.05.2019. There are only 2 different tours right now, each with a fixed price. The desired period should be sent with the order and after that displayed in a calendar of all booked tours. It can also be ordered 2 or more bookings in a period. The tours are independent of each other.
    I hope that was understandable, my english is not so good. Otherwise, I can send a URL from the exercise shop via email.
    Best regards

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