adjust child theme footer.php Java in footer : Replace the footer copyright text
Hi, a while back I was given some text to modify the footer.php in a child theme so that javascript (for an automatcially updating date) could be added.
This was more or less the assistance given:
You can change it by editing the theme footer.php file:
1. Copy the file to a child theme.
2. Find this section near the bottom:
<div id=”copyright”>
<?php if ( ot_get_option( ‘copyright’ ) ): ?>
<p><?php echo esc_attr( ot_get_option( ‘copyright’ ) ); ?></p>
3. Change the third line above to this:
<p><?php echo ot_get_option( ‘copyright’ ); ?></p>It has stopped working.
When looking at the code it appears that the code has been changed.
This is the similar code in question
<div id=”copyright”>
<?php if ( hu_get_option( ‘copyright’ ) ) : ?>
<p><?php echo wp_kses_post( hu_get_option( ‘copyright’ ) ); ?></p>I would appreciate if someone could advise how to adjust the code so I can keep the java functioning in the Replace the footer copyright text
(It would also be great if the new owners of hueman would restore the function, but I guess WordPress insisted it be removed with the Customizer function.)
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