How to use name slug and tag slug?
I read
Category Slug
The Category slug must be unique. The Category Slug is used in the URL. For example, setting a Category Name of “Recipes” and a Category Slug of “food” would show all “Recipes” posts with a URL like
Not sure I understand the slug has to be ‘unique’ – as, for example:
Cat: Recipes, slug: food
Cat: Party, slug: food [can I used ‘food’ again here?]
Cat: BBQ, slug: food
The URL .. will show all the posts with food slugs? or .. what this /blog/ in reference to here? As a relative unique word I use in few posts .. like ‘Nile’, or ‘have no clue’ ?? ??
OR .. IF the slug has to be unique .. like this following ??
Cat: Recipes, slug: food
Cat: Party, slug: food1
Cat: BBQ, slug: food2
Then how do I URL all the posts with the same slugs?
Many thanks, Irene