• Hi. Does the cash payment option effectivley allow me to take cheque payments? The orders get processed but are marked as awaiting payment. Am I correct in that assumption?
    Regards, Edward

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  • Anonymous User


    you are yes.

    Does this option work with downloads, will customers have to pay before being granted access?

    Anonymous User


    erm, yes.

    okay because while i was testing my store prior to going live it seemed to send the email with the download code right away before any payment varification was done, but I could be wrong…

    nevermind, i just tested again. But I have a new and strange problem, my transation records are gone!

    On the stats page it says i have one shipped trsnaction, but if i view the shipped transactions page it is empty, and yet if i download the CSV file, the data is in there….

    Anonymous User


    are you sure it isn’t on one of the other pages ?

    yeah, it’s nowhere. The shipped page shows up with the table that should show a transaction (while the others simply say none found or whatever the message is), but there isn’t actually a transaction listed in the table.

    Anonymous User


    very very wierd. Can you check the database to see if the order details and eshop_order_items has the transaction – it sounds like the items data may have been lost.

    Now this could happen because of a number of reasons – so I’d have to ask you to replicate the order with the same details and see what happens.

    I haven’t come across this issue in a long long time, so it may have just been a hiccup, or it could be something more serious ??

    Well everything was present in PHPmyAdmin, I check and rechecked over and over again, and poured over the entries in there trying to see why they may have disappeared from the eshop stats pages, but couldnt make heads or tales of it, so eventually I gave up and cit my losses and deleted the offending customer into in PHPmyAdmin, just to get rid of the annoying “ghost” transaction.

    Not my ideal solution, and hopefully it doesn’t happen again.

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