• I made some mistake with my blog,

    there is some code showing on the left top of the screen whatever I change the themes

    and most font of the post became bold,

    so I wanna reset my blog (to make it as the first time I installed, the wholely new one), is anybody can help me ?

    high appreciated. my blog address is https://www.djbcc.com thans

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  • Just change the theme to the one that comes with WP.

    You say that you get code at the top on every theme you use (including “default”)?

    If so, first set your theme to “default”. Then overwrite all of the files on your server (except wp-config.php) with a new copy of WordPress. Your data will stay but your theme will revert.

    Just go to Tools/Upgrade and click “Re-install Automatically”. This will replace all the default source code. If you want a fresh set of tables as well…open the wp-config.php file and change the table prefix then visit your url to set-up a fresh install.

    Thread Starter wliu


    thanks so much to you guys, i finally resoled the problem. i reinstalled the wp from my server.it’s somehow stupid, i lost my data, but i don’t have much data there. thanks to you guys again. I really appreciate.

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