Hello @tspek,
We’ve had someone else in the past ask for this same feature. Unfortunately there is no easy way to determine if the episode box should appear until the category is selected. If you create a new post, no category is selected, if you save the page (save a draft) the default category is automatically selected if you do not select one or more. Furthermore, there is no easy way to hide/show catergoryes by user, at least last time we looked into this. We played with the idea of hiding the episode box once a category is selected but that meant that the page would have to be saved once before you could hide the podcast episode box. It creates a UI problem.
The solution the last podcaster did was login as the users he wanted to not see the podcasting episdoe box, then use the options at the top to hide the episode box. users that should see the podcast episdoe box he left the episode box checked in the options. Not an elegant solution but it is more elegant than showing/hiding a podcast box at random points of the post editing.
Post type podcasting is a better fit for this situation, you would give your users specific access to post types. Unfortunately post types are rather complicated if you are not familiar with them.