• Hello everybody,

    I have a problem with comment form on my WP 2.7 blog (Theme is Aquanova)
    There are several things:

    1. No boundaries are seen for either of the fields (Name, URL, email or comment)

    2. Commnent form looks shifted to the left of the central area (where posts are) and only a part is visible.

    3. When I type in a comment with words longer than 14 symbols, a narrow scroll bar appears at the bottom, and part of the comment disspear at the LHS (visible only if I scroll)

    I presume I have edit php-files of the theme, but I have very basic knowledge only.

    If you know which lines of php-code need editing to rectify the problem, I would be very grateful for suggestions.


    P.S. it’s a pity I can’t post a screenshot here.

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