I am having the same problem with images centering in IE but not in Firefox, so I have not yet started the topic yet again.
But I am not using an independent HTML editor (like Tiny MCE), but rather WP’s own.
I’ve found so many different suggestions for solutions tha I am quite confused now.
My code for one of the offending images is:
<p style="text-align:center"><img class="size-full wp-image-1033 aligncenter" src="https://www.carolineschelling.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Caroline-Briefe.bmp" alt="Caroline Briefe" /></p>
on this page
My WP-generated centering coding
<p style="text-align:center">
is the same as esmi’s suggestion above but different from cableghost’s
<p align=center>
which I tried but still does not center the image in Firefox.
A search turned up the following explanation:
“To centre a block you are supposed to set margin-left and margin-right to auto, but IE doesn’t honour this, so you have to use
text-align:center to make IE happy, plus margin-left:auto;
margin-right:auto for the standards compliant browsers.”
Is that what cableghost was talking about when he said
The built-in WP editor’s version of center was/is the problem.
In any event, I still have no solution. I would prefer a global solution (on my theme’s CSS Style Sheet? I’m using the Painter theme). Is a global solution possible?
But where and how would one enter such code, e.g.,
Thank you.