• Or atleast somehow keep the edit page tab to html. Is there any way to stop wrecking my code? It keeps changing things like proper xhtml tags and changing <b> to the messy < strong > (Which is the same, but I dislike and messes with my css that I’m not keen to bother switching)

    Why does it do this anyways? I can understand modifying when writing in the “Visual” form, but it even often adds ending paragraph tags when it shouldn’t

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  • <b> is not XHTML. The correct XHTML markup is <strong>. What other “proper xhtml tags” do you think it is changing?

    Thread Starter shiverwarp


    <b> and < strong > are exactly the same.

    And sorry, didn’t realize this actually takes code, so what I mean to say there was it’s changing line breaks from < br / > into just < br > which wrecks my validation, which was also how I found the problem with it adding an extra closing paragraph tag for no particular reason between a div

    <b> and <strong> are exactly the same.

    No they’re not! <b> is purely visual, has no semantic value and was deprecated under HTML 4.01. In comparison, <strong> has semantic value that extends well beyond the visual – hence its inclusion in the XHTML 1.0 DTDs.

    I’ve not come across any issues with invalid line break markup myself. (that said, I work almost exclusively in the HTML tab) and rarely bother to insert paragraph and line break markup myself as I’ve found that WordPress does a pretty good job 90% of the time. On the odd occasion where I’m hand-coding a block of content, I’ve sometimes had to remove physical line breaks to stop WP parsing a \n as <br /> but that’s about the sum of the problems I’ve encountered. And as you might have gathered, I’m something of a markup purist and an obsessional validator, so if there was a major problem, I would have thought I’d have seen it before now.

    One thought does occur to me. Are you switching between the Visual and HTML tabs at all? I have heard that this can cause problems sometimes.

    Thread Starter shiverwarp


    I didn’t switch between them when I noticed the problems other than the <strong> thing when switching back and forth. And from a quick search for <b> and <strong> and xhtml in google, from what I’ve seen they’re the same. It doesn’t matter though, for all intents and purposes b is what I’ve been using and what the person who actually developed my site used, and I’m not fond of going through and changing them all when it’s completely unnecessary.

    Just now while adding a paypal donate button a <br /> was added into the encrypt code for no apparent reason.

    I work within the html area aswell, but sometimes it reverts back to the visual tab when I visit again, which messes everything up once more.

    Thread Starter shiverwarp


    This time a was added within the code for some reason… here’s my page code, sorry it’s a bit messy atm:

    <div id="right">
    <h1 class="top">Server Information - The Melon Keg</h1>
          Welcome to the Melon Pit!
          The server is run by the Uber Melon clan. Watch for our clan tags! uberMelon ° for the competition team and Melon ° for community members.  The Melon Keg is the clan fun server, where you'll find custom maps, custom mods, and other fun things like Melon Events! So ttay tuned to the News and Updates portion of the website for upcoming events.  Visit the <a href="https://ubermelons.com/forums/" target="_blank">forums</a> if you wish to apply for the clan or leave some feedback.
    The Melon Keg is payed for by your donations, so please, help the server stay alive and donate:
    <div><center><form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"/>
    <input type="image" src="https://www.ubermelons.com/images/MelonKegDonate.png" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"/>
    <img alt="" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"/>
          <b>Server Specifications
          </b>The Melon Keg server is professionally hosted by DarkStar Communications at their data center located in Chicago, Illinois. The server runs the following configuration:
    <ul style="list-style-type:disc;">
    <li>66 Tick</li>
    <li>250 FPS</li>
    <li>32 Player Slots</li>
    <li>Reduced Respawn Times</li>
    <li>HLStatsX Premium</li>
    <li>Quake Sounds</li>
    <li>Orgasm Plugin (Extra Announcer Sounds)</li>
    <li>Start-of-Map Vote for Criticals</li>
    <li>Extra Gore</li>
          Failing to comply with any of the server rules will result in an appropriate punishment subject to that admin’s discretion.
    <li>Admins have final say on all matters. Rules are open to interpretation by admins.</li>
    <li>Respect all admins. Disrespect will not be tolerated.  If there is an issue, post on the forums or contact the server administrator.</li>
    <li>Limit mic spamming. If it is disrupting gameplay or team work or is overly irritating, it is unacceptable.</li>
    <li>No pornographic sprays. If you are unsure whether your spray breaks this rule, do not use it.</li>
    <li>No griefing. This includes grinding to get achievements or unfairly exploiting the ubersaw.</li>
    <li>No team stacking.</li>
    <li>Any form of racism is unacceptable.</li>
    <li>No exploiting.  (Map Glitches, etc)</li>
    <table id="directory">
    <td class="title">Name</td>
    <td class="title">Contact</td>
    <td>(<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971703345" target="_blank">Steam</a>), (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Email</a>)</td>
    <td>(<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995242987" target="_blank">Steam</a>), (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Email</a>)</td>
    <td>(<a href="Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197991593309" target="_blank">Steam</a>), (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Email</a>)</td>
    <td>Wolf Blade</td>
    <td>(<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197982496524" target="_blank">Steam</a>)</td>
    <td>(<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656119799" target="_blank">Steam</a>)</td>
          <b>Map Rotation</b>
          The map rotation is governed by end-of-map votes. Maps are taken from this list:
    <div class="clear"></div>

    validation: W3C

    Thread Starter shiverwarp


    Bump, it appears to have something to do with the </form>, I’ve tried to simple add in a </p> but it adds it in before the <p>

    It’s completely strange because I’ve tried making it so there isn’t even a space between </center> and </form>

    Thread Starter shiverwarp


    I fixed the random <p> by moving the centering code inside the paypal form. The fact remains though, that wordpress was putting it there for some arbitrary reason when editing the page

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