Zoho CRM?
Hi there, I’m trying to pass a submission to Zoho CRM. I seem to have the URL and XML set correctly as I am able to send a submission through via Postman App.
Here is my url: https://crm.zoho.com/crm/private/xml/Leads/insertRecords?newFormat=1&authtoken=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&scope=crmapi&xmlData=
and this is the XML section:
<row no=”1″>
<FL val=”First Name”>[firstname]</FL>
<FL val=”Last Name”>[lastname]</FL>
<FL val=”Email”>[emailaddress]</FL>
<FL val=”Phone”>[phonenumber]</FL>
<FL val=”Reservation Date”>[date]</FL>
<FL val=”No. Passengers”>[passengers]</FL>
<FL val=”Airport”>[airport]</FL>
<FL val=”Airport Service”>[airportservice]</FL>
<FL val=”Airport Address”>[addressairport]</FL>
<FL val=”Booking Type”>[eventType]</FL>
</Leads>However, I am getting this error in the logs when I try to send a submission through:
<response uri=”/crm/private/xml/Leads/insertRecords”><error>4600
<message>Unable to process your request. Please verify if the name and value is appropriate for the “xmlData” parameter.</message></error></response>Do I have to set up any other settings in here?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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