@alamowais509 The majority of the settings are applied globally. You will note that it doesn’t matter where you make the change (main site or sub-site) when you visit the next site you will see the same settings have been applied.
The settings that are unique per blog/sub-site are related to CDN – specifically the CDN URL(s). However, turning on CDN support is a Global setting which means you will want to configure the sub-sites individually before turning on CDN.
Regarding the .htaccess you only have to do it once. If you make changes to the Advanced tab it may require updating the .htaccess, however, you will get a notification on the Advanced tab that says you need to update your .htaccess and most often you can just click the button to allow wp super cache to make the update to your .htaccess.
It is a great plugin for multisite. I have been using it for 7 years and have always been impressed with their timely updates and their support team is typically super fast and excellent at providing the right details.