• Resolved amanda blum


    Has anyone tried this w WP 5.0 or the Gutenberg plugin? Has this plugin cleared compatibility? Its not listed in the compatible plugins inventory.

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  • Hello Amanda,

    Our plugin has not yet been tested against WP 5.0. That will come at a later date. Regarding Gutenberg, it is possible to use Gutenberg with our plugin. To get it working perfectly, you’ll need a bit of guidance from our Support Team. Please reach out to them directly for some assistance via [email protected] if you do choose to use Gutenberg.

    However, we would advise against using Gutenberg with our plugin.

    Gutenberg REMOVES the TinyMCE editor which removes your ability to insert listings into pages and posts. This is an essential function of our WordPress plugin, helping you display listings for your website visitors to browse as well as the potential to help increase the number of pages indexed in search engines, overall search engine rankings, as well as increasing traffic to your website.

    Thus, we recommend using the Classic Editor, https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/classic-editor/, instead. This will maintain your ability to use short codes to display listings within pages and posts while using our plugin.

    Thread Starter amanda blum


    what is your road map to Gutenberg support? the classic editor will be phased out, and unfortunately all other plugins are moving towards Gutenberg not away from it. Gutenberg support as a major decision in our purchase of an idx plugin. why would we purchase something that’s already outdated?

    Diverse Solutions has lagged behind WordPress development in supporting PHP 7.x and SSL, so this it’s no surprise they are behind with testing for WP 5, though it is discouraging. WordPress sent out the notice to developers to begin testing months ago.

    It looks like WordPress 5.0 is going to be released tomorrow instead of January, so it’s going to be interesting.

    According to the article above, the Classic Editor plugin will be supported until 2022, so you’ll have the option using WP 5 with dsIDXPress, though it does mean adding yet another plugin (the Classic Editor) to get it to work. Supposedly, with the Classic Editor plugin you can use Gutenberg for all your posts except specific ones, so you could use the Classic Editor just for the dsIDXPress pages (I hope).

    I’m certainly not happy with Diverse Solutions development speed, but I would suggest that you look at how the other IDX plugins work; Diverse Solutions doesn’t run in a frame, but actually puts the content in your site, which is a big advantage for SEO. That’s what’s kept me a customer despite issues with support for new software, etc.

    I went ahead and upgraded to WordPress 5.0 without the Classic Editor plugin and haven’t had any issues with the site yet. There haven’t been any PHP errors and everything seems to be working.

    You can still use shortcodes in Gutenberg blocks, and if you use the Classic Block, which all your old posts will still be using when you upgrade anyway, you’ll have the icons in the editor to insert links and listings, so you don’t really even need to install the Classic Editor plugin.

    Based on my experience, I’d say go ahead and upgrade.

    Plugin Support dstonyh



    With WordPress 5.0 and 5.0.1 there is no issue in using the shortcode builders with the new Gutenberg editor, and no need to install a separate plugin as linux4me2 mentioned. In WordPress 4.9.8 with the Gutenberg plugin, you did still need the Classic Editor plugin to use the shortcode.

    In WordPress 5+, when creating a page, add a ‘Classic’ block to the editor, you’ll be able to see and use the same 4 blue shortcode buttons. Example: https://prntscr.com/lwlrem

    As for providing Gutenberg block support as an alternative for the shortcode builders, it’s something that will definitely take some time as it would require a large rewrite of how it currently functions. Since the Classic block is available and supported, we are providing our focus right now on improving the look and function that your users experience when coming to your site.


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