• I was wondering how i could control the amount of info seen depending on each post.

    I wanted to display a small image/thumnail and teaser text… then
    reveal a bigger picture and much more text on the final post.

    Is there a way to do this?

    inside wordpress loop, i think i disabled this a long time ago a the beginning of my cms journey. where i made all thumbs really big.

    …..or should i continue to use css to hide the thumb on the single.php page and the !more tag inside my posts to reveal more info…..
    post title
    text {thumb}
    read more
    post title
    text {thumb inside div with class hide}
    –read more–
    post title
    text {thumb inside div with class hide}
    read more
    posts id hide
    text {thumb inside div with class hide}
    big pictures
    more content etc.
    div#hide .hide
    display: none;

    – now this works but, i cant figure why wordpress don’t do this –

    Any Pointers please

    and of course visit spartansafety.co.uk to see what i’ve done.

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