• I have followed the discussion regarding Gutenberg for almost an year. During all those months I really hoped that Automattic will abandon the idea of “blocks”. Ellas, despite all negative feedback and well argumented concern from all over the place WP 5.0 has been rolled out with Gutenberg in the core.

    Now we are offered the Classic Editor plugin and at the same time it was already announced that it will be supported only until 2021. So, after 3 years, what should we do?

    One of the most annoying issues with Gutenberg is the concept of blocks for text paragraphs. It is ridiculous to have a separate block for every single paragraph!! In our sites most of our articles are of 1000 to 2000 words and my last post is almost 8000 words. My writing process is not based on creating short paragraphs and I usually move sentences here and there, copy and paste, delete, etc and all this can be achieved very quickly with a few clicks or keyboard strokes with the “old” editor. Very often my colleagues just use Microsoft Word to write the content and then we copy it in WordPress. Now we are forced to use separate blocks for each paragraph and we don’t understand why.


    If you think that Gutenberg is some kind of innovation, well… right now it is NOT. Innovation is when creativity process is useful for the people. And I don’t see any usefulness in the last WordPress 5.0 update in terms of improved writing process or user experience.

    I have heard about ClassicPress and will follow their development, still I’m a bit hesitant to try it. For example two of our sites use WooCommerce and in their forum I’ve read that ClassicPress most probably will not support Woo. I would prefer not to have 3 sites with ClassicPress and 2 with WordPress/Gutenberg.

    All in all, I’m very disappointed, confused and frustrated. ??

    P.S. Let me just add that I have exactly 10 years of WordPress experience. I am not a developer, but a self-study end user who managed to learn WordPress. Up to now I have influenced a lot of my friends to start using WordPress. With version 5.0 I cannot recommend WordPress with pure heart anymore.

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  • Why do you have to create a new block for every paragraph? I dont have to do that in Gutenburge at all. Pasting in from word still works for me also… You can use 1 block for all your content just like its the classic editor. The only real different is less borders around the fields in the dashboard editor. I am so confused by this review. Can you explain further?

    Thread Starter TodorChristov


    When you type a text and hit Enter, a new paragraph block is created. This happens every time you hit Enter.

    You’re exactly right @todorchristov
    I’ll bet someone supporting Gutenberg will jump on here to tell you how easy it is to do what you want.
    All you have to do is: Hover in the place you’d never think you’d need to hover on, then click, you’ll then see a 3 dot menu, then click it to be surprised on what it does/doesn’t contain as you might need to click something totally outside of the block, then click the 2 rotating arrows, click the…..AHHH.
    “See? It’s easy and makes more sense than the old editor, right?!?!!”

    Try floating an image left or right in that text and you’ll have a blast.

    Same issue if you have to put those paragraphs in a div and they cross blocks.

    This is absolutely terrible.
    They’ve said they used User Testing, but clearly it was flawed, they ignored it, or thought they knew better, or we’d all love it.

    @todorchristov, any chance you’d be okay to try the Top Toolbar mode to see if it helps you at all? It’s in the More menu at top right. Please let me know if you try it and what you think.

    @vegaswill, any chance you’re game to participate in some testing?

    Cool! I just sent ya an email through the website listed on your www.ads-software.com profile. ??

    Thread Starter TodorChristov


    @designsimply, I think I found the Toolbar. But what is the link between the Toolbar and the Paragraph blocks?

    I really do not need separate paragraph blocks for each paragraph. Probably I would be fine with a Text block in which various paragraphs could exist. This is how a service like MailChimp is proceeding with blocks, for example.

    I can see there is also a Classic block in which I can put a lot of paragraphs, but as far as I know, Classic block must be used as a last resort and in the future it could be deprecated. After all, what is the reason to terminate the “old” Classic Editor and to use a Classic block instead? I see no logic.

    My thinking was that the paragraphs might feel much more similar to the classic editor for you if you are using Top Toolbar mode. Did you find something different when you tried it? Why do you feel paragraphs should not be separate blocks? I thought it might be because the toolbars were getting in the way for you. Is it something else?

    You are correct that the text block in which various paragraphs can be in one is the classic block—I wouldn’t say it’s a last resort. It’s actually the first block that content appears in after a post is opened in Gutenberg. I think the logic is to have a transition point.

    Thread Starter TodorChristov


    @designsimply, let me explain why I think paragraphs should not be separate blocks by quoting another user’s comment in WPTavern:

    “We should be free to type our content and if and when we want to break that content we can press a key like currently happens with the Enter key. Which will start a new content block, thus giving us a spot to insert any fancy Gutenberg Blocks.

    Having separate Paragraph blocks is overkill.”

    Please, read this comment – https://wptavern.com/wordpress-5-0-targeted-for-december-6-prompting-widespread-outcry-ahead-of-wordcamp-us#comment-271977

    The comment explains the problem and offers a logical solution. I just cannot say it better.

    Thread Starter TodorChristov


    @nwwoman – but what about WooCommerce? As far as I know, ClassicPress has no plans to support Woo.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by TodorChristov.

    Thanks for the extra info @todorchristov. When Enter is pressed, you land at an empty space (just like in the classic editor) and when you start typing it becomes a paragraph automatically (just like in the classic editor). The ability to click an inserter at that point (i.e. the Add Media button) is also a very similar flow in the classic editor in my mind. The difference is how the data is stored and what can be done with it—for example, it can now become a reusable block or a nested block, it can be moved around more easily, different types of blocks can be added to templates, and in the future blocks will be able to be added into other areas such as widgets and that will make the UI across the platform more consistent. This will open doors for design and development in new ways that we didn’t have with the classic editor.

    In terms of the process of writing, such as hitting Enter and continuing to type, I truly don’t understand why it would be thought of as overkill unless it’s related to adding clutter such as having an extra toolbar for each paragraph—and I was making a suggestion to try the Top Toolbar mode in order to help you with that part. That mode was made exactly for this kind of case.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by designsimply.
    Thread Starter TodorChristov


    @nwwoman – thanks! Right now I am open to every sound alternative, so I’ll have ClassicPress on my radar. I expect Woo to make certain changes to their code and if so, probably it will be difficilt for CP to maintain compatibility with Woo. But who knows, we’ll see.

    @designsimply – thanks for your sugestions. I hope Gutenberg team will take into consideration issues which I and others have raised.

    Absolutely! Thanks for the discussion @todorchristov!

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