I’m no expert on WordPress, I have only just downloaded and installed it. I haven’t used any of its features yet. I’m going to spend the next few days playing with it to see what I can achieve, but I am a complete beginner. Likewise I have never used Verio either, so with these two things in mind – I do not know enough to give good advice.
What I can tell you is this: A Blog is a website. How you use it is up to you. But blogging is simply updating the content of a website using a content management system (CMS). WordPress is a stand alone CMS. By stand alone, I mean you install it on your server and are not sharing it with anyone else – unless you decide to. That for me is what makes it good to go.
WordPress code is accessible and the standard installation is tableless – which is good for people using assistive technologies. Although it has a xhtml validation link to W3C… on the standard home page – it fails validation. But that is neither here nor there, as it is still accessible – but it does make me wonder why the link is there.
From a technical point of view there are some experiments you can do, but this to some extent will depend on how much spare server/disk space you have.
I took a quick look at your website and it appears to be a flat file site, so you would probably need to consider a build from the bottom up.
If I was in your position, I would consider running some experiments of Worpress in a sub directory of your web server, until you are familiar with it, then when you are comfortable with its functions – design a new site.
That is basically what I am doing, except I am intending to provide it to clients, rather than use it myself. Which means I’ll have to learn it. I’m also in a position of not being restricted by disk space or the number of databases I can run, we own our servers so that gives a lot of room for testing etc.
Best of luck.