Hello there
I think you may use the following code as a reference and adapt it to your requirements in order to create the invoices programmatically.
function sliced_create_invoice_programmatically_example() {
* 1) Invoices are stored as Custom Post Type 'sliced_invoice'.
* Let's start by creating a new post:
$args = array(
'post_title' => 'Example Invoice Title',
'post_content' => 'Description here',
'post_author' => get_current_user_id(),
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => 'sliced_invoice',
$invoice_id = wp_insert_post( $args );
* 2) now let's attach some extra pieces of information.
* These are stored as post metas:
// MOST IMPORTANT, the user ID of the client the invoice is associated with:
update_post_meta( $invoice_id, '_sliced_client', 1 ); // example: user ID "1"
// invoice created date:
update_post_meta( $invoice_id, '_sliced_invoice_created', time() ); // example: now
// invoice due date:
update_post_meta( $invoice_id, '_sliced_invoice_due', date( "U", strtotime( "2018-12-31" ) ) ); // example: Dec. 31, 2018
// invoice number:
update_post_meta( $invoice_id, '_sliced_invoice_number', sliced_get_next_invoice_number() );
Sliced_Invoice::update_invoice_number( $invoice_id ); // advance invoice number for the next time
// automatically enable your chosen payment methods:
$payment_methods = sliced_get_accepted_payment_methods();
update_post_meta( $invoice_id, '_sliced_payment_methods', array_keys($payment_methods) );
// let's put in some line items:
$line_items = array(
'qty' => '1',
'title' => 'Test item',
'amount' => '100',
'taxable' => 'on', // taxable
'qty' => '1',
'title' => 'Another test item',
'amount' => '20',
'taxable' => false, // not taxable
update_post_meta( $invoice_id, '_sliced_items', $line_items );
// set status as draft:
Sliced_Invoice::set_as_draft( $invoice_id );
// anything else you want to add here...
* That's it!
return $invoice_id;
// 'init' is a good place to hook into.
// The Sliced Invoices plugin will be fully loaded by this point:
add_action( 'init', 'sliced_create_invoice_programmatically_example' );
My best,