• The “new” editor is HORRIBLE!!! This Plugin makes wordpress usable again!!!!!

    Someone else said that the updated Gutenburg Should Have Been a Plugin and I think millions of users would agree! There’s already been over 1 Million downloads in how short of time??? PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE WP rethink the whole redesign. WP became top of its game because of the user friendly interface and complete ease of use. With the redesign, now it’s anything but user friendly. I can very well see LOTS of new people starting sites with the many, many alternatives to WP now. If WP doesn’t correct their HUGE mistake and or the classic editor loses support as they are planning, then I think many long time WP users will be jumping off a sinking ship!

    Just think “New Coke” and think about how Coca-Cola “Classic” is the one that stayed around for a good reason!

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