Thanks for your question, and thanks for digging through the Documentation tab looking for an answer. I know MLA is complex and finding a specific solution can sometimes be a challenge.
The most complete answer is to use MLA’s custom style and markup templates to get complete control over the content and appearance of your gallery. Here is one example of that approach in an earlier topic:
Clever document insert with MLA
As you can see, it’s powerful but requires some work on your part. You might also try using MLA to find the items matching the tag and use another plugin to generate the gallery display. Look in these sections of the Documentation tab for more information:
- Support for Other Gallery-generating Shortcodes
- Support for the “Photonic Gallery” Plugin
You can also add a few parameters to your shortcode to get some simple improvements:
[mla_gallery attachment_tag='abc' columns=1 size=medium]
Removing the grey border could be done with just a custom style template, not requiring a custom markup template. Copy the default style template and adjust or remove this style:
#[+selector+] .gallery-item .gallery-icon img {
border: 2px solid #cfcfcf;
I hope that gets you started on a solution for your application. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have problems or further questions regarding the above suggestions. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.