Hello @bennieblvnco @damf77 and @eviebpat
Actually, there has a workout for the toolbar issue. Let me describe it ??
WordPress has an option to show the toolbar for the specific user. This can be found on the user profile like this-> https://prntscr.com/mg1g2z
Also, WPUF has the toolbar hiding option. So, if someone hides the toolbar using the WPUF settings, but the user has this option ticket/enabled, the WPUF settings won’t work. It will get the WP settings priority first.
So, you’ll need to disable the ‘Show toolbar when viewing the site’ from the user profile first in order to get the WPUF toolbar settings works.
Now, you can ask why it was working earlier. I know but it was an issue! The WP toolbar settings were not working if someone used the WPUF toolbar settings. We have just fixed this and we had to give the WP settings priority first.
I hope this clear now ??