Hi dekla.
Add the code below to your functions.php
and customize as your needs:
* Add filter before single product brands for changing the brands url
add_action('pwb_before_single_product_brands', 'pwb_custom_before_single_product_brands');
function pwb_custom_before_single_product_brands(){
add_filter('term_link', 'pwb_custom_filter_brand_link', 10, 3);
function pwb_custom_filter_brand_link( $url, $term, $taxonomy ) {
global $product;
if( $taxonomy == 'pwb-brand' ) $url = site_url('custom-url-here');
return $url;
* Remove filter after single product brands for reset the default brands url
add_action('pwb_after_single_product_brands', 'pwb_custom_after_single_product_brands', -1);
function pwb_custom_after_single_product_brands(){
remove_filter('term_link', 'pwb_custom_filter_brand_link', 10);