I am experiencing exactly the same issue on my site. Blubrry support also advised it was the theme doing it.
To test, I created a new subdomain, installed WordPress fresh, checked that the only themes are stock WordPress (Twenty Nineteen, Twenty Seventeen and Twenty Sixteen) – i.e. no other themes added after install, and removed all automatically created plugins so that PowerPress is the only one installed.
It is still rendering the light grey, rounded end player first, then the black, square player loads over the top of that. The PowerPress settings preview has the light grey player in it.
There is something weird going on here. It is not a 3rd party theme doing this, as everything on the test site was stock.
It also doesn’t make sense that if the player ‘used’ to be grey and has now changed – where is that being located to be rendered first?
Fundamentally, what I (we) need is a solution so that we render one player or the other, but loading both looks bad.
1) preferably, keeping the original player formatting by preventing the black WordPress player loading,
2) Or if we have to, properly replacing the grey player / stopping that from loading so that only the WordPress stock player loads.
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by
jamestrueman. Reason: added email notification