• I’m hoping someone can help me out here. Regarding https://www.cultofcummings.com/ It is on GoDaddy Hosting but I do all my upgrades through WordPress itself, not GoDaddy if that is relevent.

    I upgraded to 2.8 last night on this and each of my 7 blogs. All upgrades went just fine, including on the site in question. I was able to use the site in question for about an hour after the upgrade to 2.8 when suddenly the site went all white as it is now. I cannot access either admin or site itself.

    I immediately tried disabling all plugins by deleting them from the remote in FTP and this did not help. (My first thought was to try to plugins because it was upgrading a plugin using WordPress’s automatic update feature when it happened).

    Next I went to downgrade back to 2.7.1 but now GoDaddy is ticked at me for deleting and uploading the plugins so many times when I was trying to see if that was in and errors me out. Just because I was desperate, I also tried using the GoDaddy Hosting Connection to downgrade back to 2.7 but they gave me a fatal error.

    Because the install worked fine, I deleted the back-up I’d made of the database pre-install (yes, I know, Murphy’s Law). I already put in an email to GoDaddy to see if they can make me a new back up of my database since it is with them but I am hoping that, in the meantime, someone can just give me some advice or troublshooting I can do to try to fix this myself.

    I really appreciate you help!

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  • Thread Starter hdepiano


    Wanted to add a little more info to this.

    GoDaddy was able to direct me to where I could save a new copy of my database. (They also showed me how to “rollback” the site files to a few days ago which I did to before I installed the update to no effect). I created a brand new, fresh install of 2.8. Played around, everything was fine with the new install. Then Iimported the saved database from the old site to this new site. The new site is at https://www.cultofcummings.com/content

    The new site then went all white as well.

    It looks like the problem is the database itself, something about it got corrupted or something during the upgrade?

    I could really use some help/advice here.

    I don’t mind reinstalling WordPress as many times as it takes but I need to know how to get back all of my past data, posts and pages if the database is the problem. Is there a way to only import bits at a time to see what might be the issue? Is there a way to get under the hood of the database and figure out what about it is conflicting with WordPress/2.8?

    sounds like a php memory problem
    add this line to top of wp-config.php

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

    I’m having a similar problem now. How did you solve yours?

    Right – here I go with an explanation of what happened to me!

    We have a lot of sites, one went white overnight.

    The problem: something was corrupted in the cache.

    If you have caching turned on, just undefine it in your wp-config.php file – literally delete this line:

    define(‘WP_CACHE’, true);

    Clear all your cache (maybe upgrade the supercache or whatevber plugin you use!) and put then reconfigure the caching. It all worked fine for us!

    This is the first time this has happened in a couple of years, and the version of supercache we had on was old – so this is probably the culprit.

    Hope this helps.



    rabmaster, thank you so much! This one line of code in the config file was my problem as well. Whee! Site back up just as if the nightmare of the failed server migration never happened!

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