• Hi everybody,

    topic seems to be a returning “goodie”. Suffered this problem with the upgrade before,too. Managed to fix it by adjusting db_version in Database and in version.php

    Now upgrade to latest version and again the “DB needs upgrade”-loop.

    db_version in database and in version.php is 11548

    Blog works but I can’t access administration…. Anybody able to help me out?

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  • Thread Starter bezibaerchen


    Nobody with an idea? What is DB version in the actual WordPress version?


    Thread Starter bezibaerchen


    Well that’s what it is at my site…. So what can I do? Need to access wp-admin….

    i don′t know if my problem should be here, but, will explain it.

    I upgraded my wp for 2.8, i have backup of database, but my categorys isn′t display in wp both frontend and backend.
    I access database and is ok, why wp don′t access my database correctly?

    Can I help me?

    Sorry, if my english is bad.


    Thread Starter bezibaerchen


    Still no clue guys…..

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Repair your tables or something. The versions clearly don’t match somehow, because that’s the way that it triggers the update. If they matched, then you wouldn’t get the update message.

    Thread Starter bezibaerchen


    Repaired, checked and optimzed. Still update message… Other hints?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Then you’re looking at the wrong database or something.

    If the version number in the version.php file matches the version number in your database, then you don’t get the message. Contrarywise, if the version’s don’t match, then you always get the message.

    Period. There is no other way that this can occur. So you’re basically saying that you have a set of impossible circumstances. What I’m telling you is that those circumstances are, in fact, impossible, so you’re incorrect somehow. If you have the message, then the version numbers don’t match, and that’s all there is to it.

    Are you sure you’re looking at the database correctly? Maybe you have two different copies of that version number in the database and you see one while WordPress sees the other? I’m clutching at straws here, because what you describe is basically not possible. Laws of physics and such. ??

    Thread Starter bezibaerchen


    $ grep wp_db_version wp-includes/version.php
     * @global int $wp_db_version
    $wp_db_version = 11548;

    and from phpMyAdmin:

    db_version 11548

    I believe that this seems impossible, but it seems to happen….

    May it have sth to do with table prefixes?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Look closer at your database. Maybe there’s another “db_version” that you’re not seeing?

    Are you sure that this is the right database to begin with?

    Do the prefixes match?

    Find the discrepancy. It does exist, somewhere.

    Thread Starter bezibaerchen


    Just digged through a complete MySQL dump, no second occurence of “db_version” in it.

    There aren’t too many DBs on that host and it definitely is the correct one. Blog itself does work, but not wp-admin.

    Yes, they do.

    I remember having that problem before when upgrading but I guess that there an uneven db_version was the problem, which doesn’t seem to be the case now.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    I really don’t know how to explain this in any other way. You’re missing something.

    Look, here’s the relevant code that triggers the upgrade message:
    if ( get_option( 'db_version' ) == $wp_db_version || !is_blog_installed() )

    If that returns true, then it does a no upgrade required message. Otherwise, it does the “you need an upgrade” thing.

    -$wp_db_version is defined in version.php.

    -“db_version” is from the database (that get_option gets it from the options table).

    -is_blog_installed() basically does this to see if there’s a blog there:
    SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = 'siteurl'

    But this only ever happens if this bit of code works:

    } elseif ( get_option('db_version') != $wp_db_version ) {
    	wp_redirect(admin_url('upgrade.php?_wp_http_referer=' . urlencode(stripslashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))));

    When the upgrade is completed, it sets the db_upgraded option to true, and goes on with life.

    I can understand if your upgrade isn’t actually upgrading anything. But if your db_version matches the version.php, you can’t possibly get that message that you say you’re getting.

    Thread Starter bezibaerchen


    Is there any chance to override that?

    Don’t get me wrong, I am fully with you in that point, did digging around in code,too and don’t get it either….

    I am having the exact same issue on my blog. I have run the upgrade to 2.8.1 on all of my blogs. The db_version matches version.php (11548). I am getting the upgrade message.

    Check this out:

    Thread Starter bezibaerchen


    I guess this isn’t exactly the same issue. You seem to be able /wp-admin, which I am not as WP means that there is a DB upgrade necessary (not WP itself).

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