Podz, I’ve tried emptying the browser chache, if that’s what you mean. I’ve never heard the phrase “hard-refresh.” You’re right about the permissions, although I tried it just to be safe. No go. Can’t think of anything else aside from maybe it’s still writing to the index.php in the WP directory. I just tested this theory by changing the name of the index.php file in the WP dir. Suddenly, when I saved index.php in the template section, it said the file did not exist. I checked in Options>General to make sure the Blog Address URI was accurate and it was–still pointing at https://thepete.com–that should be enough, right? I even tried changing that to https://thepete.com/index.php and that didn’t help.
For now, I suppose, I could just transfer the index.php file out of the WP directory into my root whenever I change the template. Of course, that is a bit of a pain, so if there is a solution, I’d love to find it. Thanks again for the help!
Oh and macmanx, I understand what you’re saying, I was just giving you a little ribbing. I’m just a hardcore blogger and have worked really hard to figure out a way to include everything on my main page that I felt I needed to. Believe it or not, I cut a lot of stuff out. But, c’est la web, I guess. When I was still using Grey Matter I had worked out an easy way to do a low bandwidth version of my site, but with WP, I haven’t figured out how to do it just yet. I figure I want to get the full bandwidth version working first. But I do appreciate your advice.