• ResolvedPlugin Author Thomas Maier


    I took over the EDD HelpScout plugin from Danny after he stopped needing it for his own projects. I added a couple of fixes on top of his rewrite that ended up being version 2.0.

    Since it is a major rewrite I would kindly ask you to test it carefully and report any possible issues here in the forum by opening a new thread.

    As of version 2.0, the Callback URL in HelpScout should be https://your-site.com/edd-helpscout-api/customer_info.

    You can adjust it in your HelpScout custom app interface: https://secure.helpscout.net/apps/custom/.

    The original URL should keep working for now, so the update to 2.0 itself should not break anything.


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  • Brian Hogg


    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for taking this over! It’s something I use for the majority of tickets so great that it’s getting maintained.

    It looks like the old callback URL doesn’t work. It’s also still the old callback URL in the installation instructions:


    That said, even after updating the URL in the helpscout settings, I’m just getting “not found” as the result for all tickets. Let me know if there’s any detail I can fetch to help debug.


    Hi Thomas, great you are taking over. However the old way doesn’t work and the connection is totally broken.

    > As of version 2.0, the Callback URL in HelpScout should be https://your-site.com/edd-helpscout-api/customer_info

    is customer_info the url or is that {customer_info_put_yours_here}

    It’s unclear. Basically can’t live without this integration and would revert but as you are active on it can sweat for a day if you can fix the connection.

    EG the OLD callback was


    When visiting https://your-site.com/edd-helpscout-api/customer_info i get a 404 error

    and in HelpScout we get Not Found in the little box

    Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hi Merv, Hi Brian,

    thanks for your feedback.

    The new URL is

    https://your-site.com/edd-helpscout-api/customer_info with only the your-site.com needing adjustments.

    My own store is at https://wpadvancedads.com, so the URL I added to Help Scout is this:


    Just try it directly in your browser. There is no 404 error.

    I just installed the plugin together with the EDD basic plugin on a clean WordPress site, only activated them and the API URL was available. So I am now thinking that this might be a redirect issue or so.

    @brianhogg, @mervb1 I understand the urgency on this so if you have something to share that you don’t want to see in a thread here you can ping me in the Making WordPress Slack.


    Brian Hogg


    Hi Thomas!

    I missed that you have to update both edd-helpscout to edd-helpscout-api along with changing the last api bit to customer_info:


    Though I didn’t try it at this URL before, I went to Settings > Permalinks in the WP admin to kick the permalinks to being re-generated. Is flush_rewrite_rules() being called when the plugin upgrade occurs?


    Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hi Brian,

    the plugin does not use rewrites like that, so no need to re-generate permalinks.

    Looks like it is working now, right?
    I will make sure to update the instructions.

    Best regards,

    AH HA, Thanks Brian

    I had




    IE missed the changing of /edd-helpscout/ TO /edd-helpscout-api/ (only saw the customer_info)

    Now when accessing the url directly I get a message VS a 404 as before.

    Good spotting Brian, and thanks Thomas for working on this plugin.

    Now getting my much needed purchase info displayed from my Easy Digital Downloads software licensing extension purchase info inside my HelpScout support system.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Merv Barrett. Reason: my)site changed to my.site (example URL)
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Merv Barrett.
    Daniel Iser


    Just or reference my old endpoint was something like /edd-hs-api/customer.json

    It wasn’t working after I updated, but updating to the new endpoint fixed it.

    Glad you took it over, about to head over to the repo and suggest a few improvements I’d love to see, namely

    – 1 click buttons to increase license count
    – generate a valid download link or show links to each file they own.

    Thanks for the great work.

    Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hi danieliser,

    please feel free to add your suggestions in the repo. I am actually not sure how to proceed with new features right now, but have a personal interest in keeping the plugin up to date.


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