Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Kartik Shukla


    Hello houseofeden,

    I think you have forgotten to save the SVG of houzz in your images folder like the instruction given in the reference link.

    Further you can reach to the plugin specific support forum.


    Thread Starter houseofeden


    Hi Kartik

    Thanks for getting back to me, to confirm :

    I have added the SVG to
    public_html > wp-content > plugins > simple-social-icons > icons > svg
    as houzz.svg

    Is this correct or is it meant to be somewhere else?

    Kartik Shukla


    Hello houseofeden,

    Yes the svg you have placed is at wrong place.

    The code says it should be placed at “get_stylesheet_directory_uri/images”

    Which means it must be placed at
    public_html > wp-content > themes > “youractivetheme” > images

    in this images, folder place your houzz.svg

    Check if it works.


    Thread Starter houseofeden


    <use xlink:href=”‘ . esc_url( get_stylesheet_directory_uri(__FILE__) . ‘/images/houzz.svg#social-houzz’ ) . ‘”></use>

    Do I need to edit the code here at all? As I have added it added to my theme images now but not seeing a difference

    Kartik Shukla


    Hey houseofeden,

    Can you please clear your browser cache and try.

    Also, I see you have installed some cache plugin(W3 Total Cache) so please clear the cache from that plugin setting as well.


    Thread Starter houseofeden


    I appreciate your patience .. unfortunately that hasn’t made a difference

    Do you have any other suggestions?

    Kartik Shukla


    Hello houseofeden,

    Do you own this site? Means do you have access to site source if yes, just check

    The id of SVG and one used in code should match id=”social-houzz”


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