Bonjour Magod,
J’espere repondre d’en Francais mais j’apprend toujours. Alors, je dois repondre d’en Anglais.
I think at least one of your plugin’s JS files is breaking when it is optimized by WPFC. This is causing other JS files to break as well.
Are you able to include/exclude plugin’s JS files from WPFC? Would you be able to enable WPFC but disable some plugins from being optimized?
Alternatively, you could enable WPFC and disable your other plugins until you find which one is causing the conflict. This is an annoying step mais peut etre est ca vaut la peine?
I know a lot of our users have optimization plugins. Some times they need to exclude our files from the optimization but the conflict shouldn’t be between Easy Forms and WPFC.
Hope that makes sense & I hope my French is understandable ??