• I am trying to install wordpress on my main web page. I am not able to see the blog even tho I did leave the directory field open to install it on the main.I have read several threads about moving the index.php file to the wordpress core file…. whatever. i don’t know where to get them
    I f I go into my control panel to the www-root, there is several option with index in, I don’t know from which to move to where.
    When I install wordpress into its own directory – blog – i can get to it, but I really want it to be the main site.

    Please help me! I have spend so many hours online and I don’t know anymore. I am tired and frustrated. and i know it is not that difficult!

    Vodahost – my webhost just refer me to the wordpress forum.

    Thanks in advance

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  • It would have been so easy for Vodahost to let you know the priority of index files in root … Anyway, some webhosts have placed rendering of index.html or default.php ahead of any index.php (for WP) so make sure at your root folder, rename index.html or index.something, then try to access your WP installed at root again.

    Giving WordPress its Own Directory While Leaving Your Blog in the Root Directory

    Many people want WordPress to power their site’s root (e.g. https://example.com) but they don’t want all of the WordPress files cluttering up their root directory. WordPress allows you to install the WordPress files to a subdirectory, but have your blog exist in the site root.

    This means taking a copy of index.php from your blog directory and putting it into the root directory. Then with the copy of index.php that resides in the root directory, change the line that says:
    to the following, using your directory name for the WordPress core files:

    Again the link to these instructions is Giving WordPress its Own Directory While Leaving Your Blog in the Root Directory

    Thread Starter suga-photography


    mercime, the root folder you r talking about is in control panel, filemanger, webroot. ?? there is a index.html, index.php to what should i rename it.

    HansUmstranja where do I get :

    his means taking a copy of index.php from your blog directory and putting it into the root directory. Then with the copy of index.php that resides in the root directory, change the line that says:
    to the following, using your directory name for the WordPress core files:
    require(‘./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’) “

    This is wher i went. control panel, filemanger, webroot. in the left side i have choices: home, access logs, etc, mail, public ftp, tmp, wordpress, www.

    from where to where should I copy?


    Thread Starter suga-photography


    Also when trying this : Giving WordPress its Own Directory While Leaving Your Blog in the Root Directory—-

    having trouble with:

    # Move your WordPress core files to the new location (WordPress address).from where to where- do i do this in control panel or in blog wp-admin
    # Copy the index.php and .htaccess files from the WordPress directory into the root directory of your site (Blog address).where??
    # Open your root directory’s index.php file in a text editor
    # Change the following and save the file. Change the line that says:
    to the following, using your directory name for the WordPress core files:
    # Login to the new location. It might now be https://example.com/wordpress/wp-admin/
    # If you have set up Permalinks, go to the Permalinks panel and update your Permalink structure. WordPress will automatically update your .htaccess file if it has the appropriate file permissions. If WordPress can’t write to your .htaccess file, it will display the new rewrite rules to you, which you should manually copy into your .htaccess file (in the same directory as the main index.php file.)

    Either through control panel or via FTP – Connect and you will see the folder e.g. example.com. Click open that folder. Rename index files you find in example.com/ (e.g. index.html to index-orig.html and other index.php to index-orig.php)
    Make sure your wp-config.php has the right info about DB (which you might want to clean up if you’re using same DB used in subdirectory install just so you have clean installation)
    Go through the famous 5-minute install.

    With this assumption- that you have wordpress working just fine in https://yourSite/blog, you only need to add one file to your ROOT. Your ROOT directory is at https://yourSite. Blog, is a subdirectory of your ROOT at https://yourSite/blog

    Using FTP or however you access your website, your goal will be to upload a file to the ROOT named “index.php.” You’ll also have a file named “index.php” inside the folder -blog. The difference is that (one particular line in) the index.php file in your ROOT will read-

    so the code knows how to point the browser to your folder BLOG where all your wordpressing actually takes place. The (one particular line in) index.php file inside the blog folder will read-

    When a browser goes into a folder location, if there’s no name specified in the URL, the first name it looks for is “index”. The index file in your ROOT will point the browser to “blog” because you changed that code. The index file in your folder-Blog is good right there to handle things if someone tries the URL https://yourSite/blog.

    In your WordPress dashboard using your browser, you will also need to fix your settings. This is important. There’s the blog address and the wordpress address. Your blog address will now be https://yourSite and the wordpress address will be https://yourSite/blog

    Regarding the index.php file, I’ve neglected to mention that this is the file named “index.php” that installs with WordPress.

    Your goal should be to successfully install wordpress in its own directory and get it working. Then when you’re ready for prime time, you COPY the index.php file to your ROOT directory, change a line of code and then change your WP dashboard settings of blog address. When your user arrives at https://yourSite, their browser forwards to that directory named ‘blog’ where you wordpress.

    You may have files in your server ROOT named index.html or index.php already which are unrelated to WordPress. You’ll have to decide how to handle those instances. You have to choose one and rename the others. One index.xxx per directory.

    The focus of this post is on the WordPress index.php

    I have a simillar problem i hope i am posting in the right place.
    Basically i have included wordpress in an iframe on the html page
    I would like to make sure that whenever someone views my blog they see it within the mock windows shell.
    I am worried that if someone searches in google they will be able to see the site bear bones i.e. https://www.vinnikiniki.com/blog/index.php
    how can i work around this? Any ideas?

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