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  • Because Name Already Exists


    I have some issue in CF 7, and also posted in CF7 support too:

    However — that’s weird — when testing the form, after clicking the send button the form displays two error messages:

    “Please solve Captcha correctly.” <– in red font before the send button, and

    “Validation errors occurred. Please confirm the fields and submit it again.” <– in yellow frame after the send button.

    However Advanced-nocaptcha-recaptcha working fine on others page (login, register, etc), except CF7

    Which captcha version you are using?

    Please check following
    1. Remove captcha keys from CF7
    2. If are using captcha v3 and CF7 5.1 or 5.1.1 then add following code in your theme’s (child theme’s if you are using) functions.php

    remove_filter( 'wpcf7_form_hidden_fields', 'wpcf7_recaptcha_add_hidden_fields', 100, 1 );

    Let me know.

    Because Name Already Exists


    @shamim51 Have follow all step above, tried on several device and connection, and also cleared all cache, but stil no luck, here are field automatic generated on my form after adding shortcode [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response] :

    <div class="anr_captcha_field"><div id="anr_captcha_field_1" class="anr_captcha_field_div"><input type="hidden" name="g-recaptcha-response" value=""></div></div>
    <span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap g-recaptcha-response"></span>

    Also when running in incognito mode browser, my invisible captcha becomes visible capctha.

    I’m, using cf7 5.1.1 and Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha v 5.3

    May you please give me an url of the page?
    Can you change captcha version to “V2 i’m not robot” checkbox captcha and see if it is working? Make sure to use site key and secret key of your selected captcha. Also make sure to add your domain in google captcha admin page.

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