Sign In/Sign Out
So, I am following along with this Lifter video…
I am trying to currently add “sign in & sign out” to my menu like in the video. However, I can’t find those pages. I haven’t done anything/deleted anything. Is there a way to get these pages? I also want to add “course catalog” but I don’t see it. I see membership catalog. Is that it?
Please advise!
Thank you!
Update: I did not find it under pages like in the video. I found it under the LifterLMS tab. Is there a page for the sign in/sign out so that I can customize them? If so, how do I find it?
Thank you!Basically, I want to customize it by leaving the “log in” part but moving the register part. I want the register part to be a button next to “login.” Then, if they click “register” a pop up will appear with the register page. I can make the pop up using elementor. Are there shortcodes to allow me to move the register part of the page?
Any ideas? I truly appreciate the help!
The LifterLMS Student Dashboard/My Account automatically has login and logout features on it. However, you can add your own login page using a shortcode: which you can have redirect to the dashboard if you don’t want the dashboard to serve as your login/register area. The registration shortcode is here:
I apologize if you already figured the course catalog out but just in case: To create the course catalog you will want to make sure you have a course catalog page created and then go into LifterLMS->Settings->Courses and set the course catalog page there.
I hope this helps!
Please let us know if you have further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Thank you!! I like how if they are already signed in/once they sign in it just goes directly to the dashboard.
Thank you for the shortcodes – that is helpful! I created my own log in page. Can you guide me on redirecting? When I log in to the log in page I created, it takes me to like a wordpress dashboard. I used totally different e-mails & passwords than the stuff I use for my website. How can I get it to redirect to the lifter dashboard? you can see it here –
Thank you!
The login shortcode should have the option of “redirect” in the shortcode.
The shortcode would look like [lifterlms_login redirect=“your dashboard link”]
Is this what you’re looking for the login to do?
Let us know if you have further questions!
Thanks and take care,
Oh that worked! I didn’t notice the redirect part. Thank you! So, I made the login page using shortcode. I’m wondering if you can help me with the next step…I like how with the sign in/sign out pages that come with lifter. If sign in is in the menu and the person is signed in then the sign out menu title appears. How can I do this myself with the new customized page?
Our log in / log out conditional menu item only works with the page set as the student dashboard. If you’re creating a custom page and want it displayed conditionally you can try the conditional menu’s plugin:
Hope that helps,
Okay. Thank you! I am a bit confused…in the lifter video I was watching, it looked like the log in was added to the menu because it was a page. Is there a page for it or is it like just coded into the dashboard? I like the user functionality of the login page that redirects to dashboard, etc. I just wanted to customize the login aspect of the dashboard so that it’s a little more eye catching…
Basically – do I have to create my own page or is there a way I can just customize the current login feature/page? Where do I find the login page that comes with lifter?
The Login / Account page is called the student dashboard in LifterLMS:
This page is created automatically when you run the setup wizard or you can follow the steps in that doc to create it manually.
The conditional menu item you’re asking about is tied *directly* to this page.
We don’t have any “customization” options for the login page. “Eye Catching” is a terribly subjective request so I can’t really give you advice on how to make it more eye catching. We’re working towards making our default colors and styles as generic as possible to maximize theme compatibility.
If it needs to be MORE eye catching you can use custom CSS to change colors and some layout options. For anything more complicated than that you’ll want to get into some custom PHP.
If all of that is too much I’d recommend looking for a login feature plugin (I don’t have one to recommend because I’d recommend you use the LifterLMS feature) but a full login / logout plugin may have more customization options built in.
I know that’s not the answer you want (I’m sure you just want a few settings) but LifterLMS has a LOT of settings and we don’t have any settings around customizing the login screen. It’s functional and basic and if you need to expand upon that you’ll need to do so with code.
I totally get it! I have the dashboard set up & I’ve been able to customize it with elementor. I was just trying to get the log in part of the page to look more like this…
Since I couldn’t find an actual page for the log in to customize, I figured out that I can add a new log in page, customize it with elementor, & redirect it to the lifter dashboard. But when I do this, then on the menu it still just says “sign in” & it never changes to “sign out” like it does when I have the dashboard in the menu. It sounds like this conditional menu is something that was coded into the dashboard page & I can’t do that with any other page without coding. Let me know if that understanding is incorrect or if you have a quick code that can be used to do make customized menu happen.
Thanks for all of your help & patience!
Have a great day!!I apologize if we were misunderstanding you. Are you just wanting to add the sign in/sign out to the site menu? If so then you may be able to use this option:
However, with the dynamic logged in/my account link is tied to the student dashboard page exactly as Thomas described above.
Is this more helpful?
Thanks and take care,
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