No, and shortcode is the same in the theme. I cleared cache, but maybe that command is broken in the caching plugin, and nonce was invalid. That is my only guess atm.
Update (I was testing while typing above): nope, disabled cache, performed auto-update from WP admin dash and it still doesn’t work. Same 400 error in server logs.
* * *
Further testing reveals that it is not server-related, this is definitely WP (or most probably your plugin) doing somewhere, since reverting back to plugin’s version 5.0.2 (while keeping WordPress 5.2.0, of course) works. Have you changed something in shortcode-related processing?
admin-ajax.php is correctly hit with the e.g. request:
[Fri May 10 07:48:38.052145 2019] [:error] [pid 14484] [client] a:18:{s:6:"action";s:15:"alm_query_posts";s:5:"nonce";s:10:"146544c70d";s:10:"query_type";s:8:"standard";s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:7:"post_id";s:1:"0";s:4:"slug";s:4:"home";s:13:"canonical_url";s:22:"";s:14:"posts_per_page";s:1:"3";s:4:"page";s:1:"0";s:6:"offset";s:1:"3";s:9:"post_type";s:4:"post";s:8:"repeater";s:7:"default";s:14:"seo_start_page";s:1:"1";s:9:"preloaded";s:5:"false";s:16:"preloaded_amount";s:1:"0";s:16:"category__not_in";s:3:"137";s:5:"order";s:4:"DESC";s:7:"orderby";s:4:"date";}, referer:
Reverting back to plugin version 5.0.2 it immediately starts working again, even without original page reload. This indicates it is related to php code change somewhere.