• Resolved KennyLL


    Hi, we need some insight into whether PowerPress can integrate with a plugin we’re developing or if it would be too much effort.

    We’re developing a ‘Sermon Audio Archive’ custom post type for a church with audio file playback as the primary feature. But it will also include complete sermon notes when available (using default content block), and the ability to filter results by a few different terms or taxonomies (e.g., Author, Year, Topic, or Chapter/Verse). But along with audio playback and the other features mentioned, there will also be the need to have a podcast feed and a subscribe button.

    Before we invest the effort into generating the podcast feed manually, we wanted to see if PowerPress can be integrated into something like this? We have no prior experience with PP, but saw that the client may have started using it on their own on the old website, which just uses basic Posts. They may be hosted by Blubrry, not sure.

    – Can PP serve just the audio player (default WP audio player is fine) and the subscribe links in something like this?

    – If using Blubrry-hosted files, would the client need to post the audio file to Blubrry first then have a field in the custom post type where they could enter which audio to link to and display?

    If PP is more designed to produce the entire post on its own, rather than just one part of it, let us know and we’ll explore other options.

    Thank you for any insight or examples here!

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  • Plugin Support Shawn


    I’ve asked the Blubrry dev team to look at your post. A response will be posted here as soon as they’ve had a chance to do so.

    Plugin Author Angelo Mandato


    Hello Kenny,

    Yes PowerPress will work. You would want to use the Post Type podcasting advanced option, then create a custom post type podcast feed. Subscribe links work with the advanced options. ref: https://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/advanced-tools-and-options/post-type-podcasting/

    Blubrry Hosting integrates with each post, if your custom post type has their own posts then that works perfectly. You simply click the link to media on Blubrry button and upload, when you make the post in your post type public, it makes the media file public as well. Blubrry Hosting works integrated with PowerPress to work directly with your posts and pages.

    Only part I do not understand:

    If PP is more designed to produce the entire post on its own, rather than just one part of it, let us know and we’ll explore other options.

    What do you mean by this? If you are using post types you still have posts in your post type they are just not WordPress “Posts”.


    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Hi Angelo,
    Thanks for the response, it’s much appreciated!

    You simply click the link to media on Blubrry button and upload…

    We’re not using the plugin currently, but we imagine this must be something PP adds to the CPT editing page, correct?

    What do you mean by this? If you are using post types you still have posts in your post type they are just not WordPress “Posts”.

    Sorry, we just weren’t sure if ‘attaching’ PP to a CPT would mean that the content of the post would be completely handled by PP (e.g., podcast title becomes CPT title, description becomes main content, etc.). We didn’t think so, but the documentation isn’t completely clear here.

    We’re just wanting to incorporate the audio player, a download link, and a global ‘subcribe’ link from PP to the posts made in this one specific CPT. There will be other features we will be customizing, using ACF for specific fields the client will fill in (e.g., scripture chapter & verse), etc.

    – We imagine there is at least some control over where the audio player displays (i.e., order – before/after other custom or basic WP content), both on the archive and CPT single pages, correct?

    – And do we need PP to generate or display the ‘subscribe to podcast’ links? We’re thinking just a single simple ‘Subscribe’ link at the top of the CPT archive pages, as well as the top of each CPT single page. We’re hoping it would be smart enough to launch either the ‘Apple Podcasts’ or ‘Google Podcasts’ players depending on platform. But not sure if we have to (or should) create this ourselves, or if PP creates this in a simple enough manner.

    Thanks again for any insight here! Forgive my lack of understanding on how podcasts work, I don’t actually have a ton of experience in that area as of now.

    Plugin Author Angelo Mandato


    Hello Kenny,

    Yes if you setup powerpress as instructed it adds podcast episode boxes to your post edit screens.

    So you are aware it works in reverse, your post titles for your post type are also then your podcast titles. they are one in the same. Remember podcasting is an extension to blogging, you ‘re just adding a link to an audio file. Once you made that link powerpress can add players, subscribe buttons, etc.. associated to that meta data, as you desire. It is all optional.

    If you have a sandbox environment i encourage you to go in and play with it, make a podcast, enable post type podcasting, etc.. See all the options and how you can enable.disable them for your liking.


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