• TO whom it may concern,
    i am new to WordPress and just installed WP Supercache. After the installation this warning appeared, and even though i have read through the forum, i am unable to understand the practical steps i should take to resolve this issue.
    Thanks to anybody who may be able to help, and please excuse my newbie ignorance.

    “Warning! /home/content/…../wp-content is writeable!

    You should change the permissions on /home/content/….wp-content and make it more restrictive. Use your ftp client, or the following command to fix things:chmod 755 /home/content/…/html/wp-content/”

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  • Access your ftp and navigate to your wordpress folder.
    Right click ont the folder wp-content.
    You will get a drop down menu, scroll to where it reads “Permissions” and click on it.

    A small window will open up with the title “Change file attributes”
    Look for a little box where it reads “Numeric value” in the space provided type in 755 and click ok.

    I use filezilla, it might look slightly different if you use a different ftp client.

    Hope this is what you a looking for, good luck. If you are looking for someone to do it for you and are willing to give access to your ftp login details then drop me a line [email protected] and will sort it out for you.

    However, on some systems (i.e. my server), if the wp-content folder is set to 755 it will still give that error message. I think the most secure would be 700.

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