Cannot restore backup
Our site is down and I cannot restore.
When I try to restore I get this log file:
0000.005 () Opened log file at time: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 19:14:21 +0000 on
0000.005 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.15 WP: 5.1.1 PHP: 7.0.31 (fpm-fcgi, Linux ip-172-26-3-71 4.4.0-1075-aws #85-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 17 17:15:12 UTC 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.23 WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 268435456 (used: 18.7M | 10M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.0.2o 27 Mar 2018 mcrypt: Y LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y
0000.005 () Free space on disk containing Updraft’s temporary directory: 48879.9 MB
0000.003 () Opened log file at time: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 19:14:23 +0000 on
0000.003 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.15 WP: 5.1.1 PHP: 7.0.31 (fpm-fcgi, Linux ip-172-26-3-71 4.4.0-1075-aws #85-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 17 17:15:12 UTC 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.23 WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 268435456 (used: 17.4M | 2M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.0.2o 27 Mar 2018 mcrypt: Y LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y
0000.003 () Free space on disk containing Updraft’s temporary directory: 48879.8 MB
0000.003 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
0000.003 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
0000.005 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {“updraft_encryptionphrase”:””,”updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig”:false,”updraft_incremental_restore_point”:-1}
0000.015 () Entity: db
0000.015 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2019-06-19-2051_FundrBee_66c04501bce3-db.gz, type=db, info=a:0:{}, last_one=)
0000.015 () Unpacking backup… (backup_2019-06-19-2051_FundrBee_66c04501bce3-db.gz, 1.2 Mb)
0000.145 () Database successfully unpacked
0000.145 () Restoring the database (on a large site this can take a long time – if it times out (which can happen if your web hosting company has configured your hosting to limit resources) then you should use a different method, such as phpMyAdmin)…
0000.148 () Using direct MySQL access; value of use_mysqli is: 1
0000.177 () Max packet size: 32 MB
0000.177 () Entering maintenance mode
0000.177 () Enabling Maintenance mode…
0000.177 () Backup of:
0000.177 () Content URL:
0000.177 () Uploads URL:
0000.177 () Old table prefix: wp_
0000.177 () Site information: multisite=0
0000.178 () New table prefix: wp_
0000.185 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_options
0000.660 () Restoring prior UD configuration (table: wp_options; keys: 3)
0000.679 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_site
0000.700 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_blogs
0000.727 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_users
0000.755 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_usermeta
0000.831 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_blog_versions
0000.852 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_commentmeta
0000.877 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_comments
0000.932 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_links
0000.952 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_ms_snippets
0000.975 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_postmeta
0001.650 () Database queries processed: 50 in 1.50 seconds
0001.792 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_posts
0002.034 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_registration_log
0002.056 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_signups
0002.084 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_sitemeta
0002.111 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_snippets
0002.137 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_term_relationships
0002.163 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_term_taxonomy
0002.194 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_termmeta
0002.234 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_terms
0002.267 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta
0002.394 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta
0002.419 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_yoast_seo_links
0002.447 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_yoast_seo_meta
0002.480 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_failed_jobs
0002.499 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_litespeed_img_optm
0002.535 () Database queries processed: 100 in 2.39 seconds
0002.536 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_litespeed_optimizer
0002.560 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_mailchimp_carts
0002.579 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_masterslider_options
0002.615 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_masterslider_sliders
0002.644 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_newsletter
0002.670 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_newsletter_emails
0002.688 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_newsletter_sent
0002.711 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_newsletter_stats
0002.744 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_newsletter_user_logs
0002.760 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_pp_login_builder
0002.778 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_pp_password_reset_builder
0002.798 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_pp_registration_builder
0002.818 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_pum_subscribers
0002.846 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_queue
0002.864 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_redirection_404
0002.893 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_redirection_groups
0002.919 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_redirection_items
0002.956 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_redirection_logs
0002.988 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_sm_sessions
0003.007 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_user_registration_sessions
0003.031 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wc_download_log
0003.048 () Database queries processed: 150 in 2.90 seconds
0003.052 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wc_webhooks
0003.072 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_api_keys
0003.095 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies
0003.116 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions
0003.143 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_log
0003.164 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_order_items
0003.191 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens
0003.212 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_sessions
0003.235 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations
0003.260 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods
0003.279 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones
0003.298 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations
0003.319 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_tax_rates
0003.348 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpmm_subscribers
0003.367 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpsc_ticket
0003.387 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpsc_ticketmeta
0003.407 () UpdraftPlus Vault: this site has not been connected – check your settings
0005.741 () Unlocking database and leaving maintenance mode
0005.741 () Disabling Maintenance mode…
0005.742 () Finished: lines processed: 193 in 5.59 seconds
0005.742 () Cleaning up rubbish…
0005.754 () Entity: plugins
0005.754 () restore_backup(, type=plugins, info=a:2:{s:4:”path”;s:53:”/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins”;s:11:”description”;s:7:”Plugins”;}, last_one=)
0005.754 () Unpacking backup… (, 24.6 MB)
0005.756 () Unzipping to /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/upgrade/f1e190fb/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
0006.052 () Unzip progress: 1821 out of 8044 files (634 B, plugins/themeum-demo-importer/inc/extensions/options_object/options_object/field_options_object.min.js)
0006.236 () Unzip progress: 2822 out of 8044 files (11.3 MB, plugins/themeum-demo-importer/inc/extensions/options_object/options_object/field_options_object.css)
0006.488 () Unzip progress: 3823 out of 8044 files (26.6 MB, plugins/elementor-pro/license.txt)
0006.684 () Unzip progress: 4824 out of 8044 files (36.8 MB, plugins/akismet/class.akismet-widget.php)
0006.875 () Unzip progress: 5825 out of 8044 files (47 MB, plugins/woocommerce/includes/legacy/class-wc-legacy-coupon.php)
0007.171 () Unzip progress: 6826 out of 8044 files (63 MB, plugins/widget-importer-exporter/css/style.css)
0007.320 () Unzip progress: 7827 out of 8044 files (69.7 MB, plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/migrate-to-core.php)
0007.432 () Unzip progress: 8044 out of 8044 files (76.1 MB, plugins/jetpack/images/stats-example-sm.png)
0007.435 () Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible
0007.435 () Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old
0007.435 () Moving old data out of the way…
0007.937 () Top-level entities being moved: all-in-one-seo-pack, user-registration, themeum-demo-importer, wp-browser-update, really-simple-ssl, woocommerce-currency-switcher, contact-form-7, code-snippets, elementor-pro, elementor, wp-croudfunding, yith-woocommerce-share-for-discounts-premium, search-and-replace, velvet-blues-update-urls, akismet, wp-staging, redirection, all-in-one-wp-migration, checkout-fees-for-woocommerce, google-analytics-for-wordpress, woocommerce, index.php, mailchimp-for-wp, widget-importer-exporter, wp-mail-smtp, jetpack, updraftplus, user-menus, wp-maintenance-mode, woocommerce-order-status-control, woocommerce-gateway-paygate-pw3, duplicate-page, paypalcurrencyconverterpro , wordpress-seo, mailchimp-for-woocommerce, user-role-editor, mailchimp-sync, supportcandy
0007.941 () Moving unpacked backup into place…
0008.258 () Top-level entities being moved: all-in-one-seo-pack, user-registration, themeum-demo-importer, wp-browser-update, really-simple-ssl, woocommerce-currency-switcher, contact-form-7, code-snippets, elementor-pro, elementor, wp-croudfunding, yith-woocommerce-share-for-discounts-premium, search-and-replace, velvet-blues-update-urls, akismet, wp-staging, redirection, all-in-one-wp-migration, checkout-fees-for-woocommerce, google-analytics-for-wordpress, woocommerce, index.php, mailchimp-for-wp, widget-importer-exporter, wp-mail-smtp, jetpack, updraftplus, user-menus, wp-maintenance-mode, woocommerce-order-status-control, woocommerce-gateway-paygate-pw3, duplicate-page, paypalcurrencyconverterpro , wordpress-seo, mailchimp-for-woocommerce, user-role-editor, mailchimp-sync, supportcandy
0008.261 () Cleaning up rubbish…
0008.267 () restore_backup(, type=plugins, info=a:2:{s:4:”path”;s:53:”/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins”;s:11:”description”;s:7:”Plugins”;}, last_one=)
0008.267 () Unpacking backup… (, 23.5 MB)
0008.268 () Unzipping to /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/upgrade/19cdd3e9/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
0008.763 () Unzip progress: 1002 out of 4843 files (26.8 MB, plugins/updraftplus/includes/Google/Service/Directory.php)
0009.038 () Unzip progress: 2003 out of 4843 files (38.2 MB, plugins/updraftplus/vendor/rackspace/php-opencloud/phpunit.xml.dist)
0009.289 () Unzip progress: 3004 out of 4843 files (51.8 MB, plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/roles/class-role-manager-vip.php)
0009.467 () Unzip progress: 4005 out of 4843 files (60.5 MB, plugins/supportcandy/asset/lib/font-awesome/svgs/solid/door-closed.svg)
0009.566 () Unzip progress: 4843 out of 4843 files (63.7 MB, plugins/supportcandy/asset/lib/font-awesome/svgs/brands/lyft.svg)
0009.568 () Moving unpacked backup into place…
0009.776 () Top-level entities being moved: jetpack, updraftplus, user-menus, wp-maintenance-mode, woocommerce-order-status-control, woocommerce-gateway-paygate-pw3, duplicate-page, paypalcurrencyconverterpro , wordpress-seo, mailchimp-for-woocommerce, user-role-editor, mailchimp-sync, supportcandy
0009.828 () Cleaning up rubbish…
0009.840 () restore_backup(, type=plugins, info=a:2:{s:4:”path”;s:53:”/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins”;s:11:”description”;s:7:”Plugins”;}, last_one=)
0009.840 () Unpacking backup… (, 0.2 MB)
0009.841 () Unzipping to /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/upgrade/aa16e7b7/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
0009.852 () Unzip progress: 10 out of 10 files (553.2 KB, plugins/supportcandy/lang/
0009.852 () Moving unpacked backup into place…
0009.853 () Top-level entities being moved: supportcandy
0009.853 () Cleaning up rubbish…
0009.858 () Entity: themes
0009.858 () restore_backup(, type=themes, info=a:2:{s:4:”path”;s:52:”/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes”;s:11:”description”;s:6:”Themes”;}, last_one=)
0009.858 () Unpacking backup… (, 5.1 MB)
0009.858 () Unzipping to /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/upgrade/9c3bda9f/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
0010.009 () Unzip progress: 855 out of 855 files (9 MB, themes/backer/lib/meta-box/inc/fields/color.php)
0010.010 () Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible
0010.010 () Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old
0010.010 () Moving old data out of the way…
0010.015 () Top-level entities being moved: twentyseventeen, backer-child
0010.018 () Error message: Could not move the files into place. Check your file permissions.
0010.018 () Error data (move_failed): /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes/backer-child -> /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/updraft/themes-old/backer-child
0010.018 () themes: /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes: deleting contents (as attempts to copy failed)
0010.023 () Moving unpacked backup into place…
0010.056 () Top-level entities being moved: twentyseventeen, backer-child, twentynineteen, twentyfifteen, index.php, backer, twentysixteen
0010.057 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: copy(/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes/backer-child/wp-croudfunding/dashboard/investment.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied (line 247, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
0010.063 () Error message: Could not move the files into place. Check your file permissions.
0010.063 () Error data (move_failed): (2) /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/upgrade/9c3bda9f/themes/backer-child -> /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes/backer-child
0010.065 () Restore failed…
0010.065 () Error message: Could not move the files into place. Check your file permissions.
0010.065 () Error data (move_failed): (2) /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/upgrade/9c3bda9f/themes/backer-child -> /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes/backer-child
0010.065 () Restore failed
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