• Hello, I’ve a problem with your Property plugin. https://www.giuglerimmobiliare.net with PHP 7.1 and WordPress 5.2.2 and WP-Property 2.3.9
    In all property with father all is blocked becouse there is a fatal error: “Warning: Declaration of RWMB_Wpp_Inherited_Field::show($field, $saved) should be compatible with RWMB_Field::show($field, $saved, $post_id = 0) in /web/htdocs/www.c3studio.it/home/giugler/wp-content/plugins/wp-property/lib/classes/fields/class-wpp-inherited.php on line 13”
    “Recoverable fatal error: Object of class WP_Term could not be converted to string in /web/htdocs/www.c3studio.it/home/giugler/wp-content/plugins/wp-property-terms/lib/classes/fields/class-wpp-taxonomy-inherited.php on line 43

    Il sito sta avendo problemi tecnici. Controlla la casella di posta dell’amministratore del sito per istruzioni.”
    It’s works fine with PHP 5.6 and WP-Property 2.0.2. Why I can’t update the plugin?
    How I can resolve this? Thanks

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