• Resolved Spencer Hill


    Heya – when you mouseover the left navigation in IE7 on this page, the content disappears. Sometimes this happens (like on the Founder page) without even doing anything. I’m really stumped by this one. Here is my code. Thanks!

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  • Please don’t post huge chunks of code here. For larger blocks of code, use the WordPress pastebin. It makes life easier for everyone.

    You have some validation errors on the Founders page that could be causing problems. You’ve also appear to be missing a CSS file.

    However the main problem appears to be the float:left on .row-2 in style.css. Delete that (doesn’t seem to be serving any obvious purpose) and you should find that your content magically reappears.

    Thread Starter Spencer Hill


    Oh my bad – thanks I’ll be sure to post bigger blocks there.

    You were right about the row-2 – how did you know that was the issue? I wouldn’t have ever known that and I’ve been programming table-less layouts for years…


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