• Hi Guys,

    I recently updated a development site to WordPress 5.2.2, Genesis Framework 3.0.1 and Genesis Sample 3.0.1. After updating, I noticed that the inline SVG (a pumpkin) in the footer no longer displays.

    The code (see below) is intact and unchanged in the Genesis Simple Edits Footer Output box, but everything between (and including) the SVG tags is being removed from the final rendered HTML. I’ve tried deleting the code, re-adding and saving again, without success.

    * The staging version of the same site has NOT been updated, and the inline SVG displays as expected.

    Any ideas on what might be causing this?

    I can share links, but would prefer to do so privately.

    Many thanks.

    WP Engine
    PHP 7.3
    WordPress 5.2.2
    Genesis Framework 3.0.1
    Genesis Sample theme 3.0.1
    Genesis Simple Edits 2.2.1

    Genesis Simple Edits Footer Output:

    <p>[footer_copyright first="1996" before="Copyright "] &middot; Bay Area Glass Institute &middot; Sharing the poetry of glass &middot; San Jose, California &middot; Built by Ern Berck Digital</p>
    <div class="plp-svg-device"><svg aria-hidden="true" data-prefix="fal" data-icon="pumpkin" class="svg-inline--fa fa-pumpkin fa-w-18 plp-svg-color" role="img" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M494.75 110.52C460.24 77.96 409.33 71.33 368 90.9V51.8c0-12.2-6.78-23.17-17.69-28.62L310.69 3.36c-7.97-3.97-17.38-4.45-25.66-1.27-8.31 3.16-15 9.72-18.34 18.03l-28.7 71.75c-4.78 2.44-9.4 5.19-13.74 8.38-43.41-30.29-103.78-26.76-143 10.26C28.84 159.92 0 225.78 0 295.95c0 70.16 28.84 136 81.25 185.4 39.19 36.98 99.53 40.6 143 10.28C252.04 512.08 286.62 512 288 512c6.57 0 37.2-.83 63.75-20.37 19.5 13.59 42.38 20.36 65.22 20.36 28.12 0 56.16-10.23 77.78-30.63C547.16 431.96 576 366.11 576 295.94s-28.84-136.02-81.25-185.42zM288 479.9c-121.09 0-124.26-367.9 0-367.9 121.22 0 124.21 367.9 0 367.9zm8.41-447.91L336 51.8v39.11c-18.21-8.78-38.95-11.99-59.17-10.01l19.58-48.91zM103.19 458.08C57.28 414.79 32 357.21 32 295.94s25.28-118.85 71.19-162.15c27.8-26.21 72.02-28.34 102.97-6.68-28.62 41.25-42.21 104.24-42.21 167.23 0 52.79 9.19 102.67 25.88 140.47 5.17 11.71 10.89 21.14 16.78 29.63-30.94 21.97-75.46 19.99-103.42-6.36zm369.62 0c-27.75 26.15-71.82 28.31-102.74 6.86 28.51-41.31 41.97-104.37 41.97-167.27 0-64.23-13.7-128.43-42.56-170.31 30.92-21.91 75.37-19.93 103.33 6.44C518.72 177.09 544 234.67 544 295.94s-25.28 118.85-71.19 162.14z"></path></svg></div>
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  • Hi There,

    Genesis 3.0 strips script tags from footer content. There is an update for Genesis that should be released soon to correct this issue.

    Thank you and enjoy your day!

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