Hi @charliemariephoto
WPUM uses default WordPress functions to log users in and to verify credentials. Any theme/plugin can easily hook into the WP authentication system and add their own functionalities too. Therefore any theme/plugin could be returning whatever the error that you see, An error message displayed within the WPUM login form doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s an error triggered by WPUM.
If you have any coding knowledege you can see this here:
– At first WPUM checks that the credentials are correct https://github.com/WPUserManager/wp-user-manager/blob/master/includes/wpum-forms/class-wpum-form-login.php#L160 if there’s any error, it just displays whatever error WordPress has given to WPUM.
Here I’m just using a WP’s default function https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/wp_authenticate
– Once credentials are verified, I’m just logging the user in, again by using a native WP’s function https://github.com/WPUserManager/wp-user-manager/blob/master/includes/wpum-forms/class-wpum-form-login.php#L210
Here I’m using https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/wp_signon
Just like the first authentication step, if the wp_signon returns any error, I’m just displaying whatever error WP is sending to WPUM.
Credentials set into the login form aren’t verified by WPUM. They’re verified using native functionalities that belong to WP in which any plugin/theme can hook, do “their own thing” and even return their own custom errors.
The only time that WPUM interacts with the authentication system of WP is to determine that the users are logging-in with the correct credentials for the login method that you’ve chosen for your site. The login method is set in Users -> Settings -> General -> Login Settings -> Allow users to login with so you might want to make sure that you’re loggin in with the right credentials. If you’re restricting login by “username only” you’ll need to login with the username otherwise it will tell you that your details are wrong, the same applies if you’ve set “email only”, you’ll have to enter your email address.
Unfortunately there’s not much more I can do since this isn’t an issue with WPUM itself.