Cool story bro.
Gutenberg = future. Classic Editor = good for 2 years. Neat.
You do realize your options that are still php-based in 2 years that are enterprise-level is either Drupal or Joomla. Drupal8 is a rebuild from D7 and prior – so at least you can get it in now while everyone is still helping everyone, and Joomla? Um. Ok.
Or maybe your agency would be happy with Wix? Weebly? Ghost? Sure yeah, you end up paying more in the long run, but again, that’s your agency’s call.
Recognize that what WP has done is open themselves up to an entire new class of developers – JavaScript devs. And as I am one, and all my core dev friends are also JS centric, I guarantee you there will be fast movement in the WP community when it comes to integrating future-facing sites and applications.
I hope you’re able to update and integrate sooner than later, because frankly, ll of my dev friends will be able to offer services just fine that will fill the gaps agencies such as yours will leave, when you refuse to update.
Good luck.
ps all our clients are moving to Gutenberg. We’re already building custom blocks and plugins for our framework. It works. We get paid. Clients are happy.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
weo3dev. Reason: last note