I am a total WP newbie and am searching for info on what to do regarding an inadvertent deletion I made in header.php for a premium WP theme that froze my carousel. (the support for the theme is not responding.) I believe that I need to look at an old version of the code to copy how it used to look but my backups are in unreadable sql format. This post caught my eye because someone mistakenly overwrote their php file. That is my big fear–I don’t want to upload an old back-up (however I do that) or the whole theme again and find out that I’ve overwritten all my changes from the past 6 weeks!
So, mrkingid, my question is: can you explain if downloading WP again would work in my situation and what exactly “extract the contents” entails? Is there a way for me to look at my original header.php file in some viewer without uploading to my server again and wiping everything out? (Sorry for the lack of basic knowledge.) Thanks.