• Hey all,

    Hope I can get some help. I don’t even know where to start looking. Anyhow, my website, https://www.nxtlvlmag.com, uses Woothemes Original Premium news theme, which ive customized a bit. There are many posts that have been published, with the featured posts displaying on the main panel with it’s image on the left, and all posts appearing below the video panel. One day, while editing a post through the dashboard, I had mistakenly checked the option to remove the video panel and saved and logged out. When I saw what happened, I logged back in, made the change, and thought all was fine.

    Turns out it wasn’t. All my posts, except those done in march, disappeared from the post panel below the video panel. Additionally, new posts do not display there either. I can still see my posts in the given categories and such, but they are gone from the post panel, and no news can be added. I’m hoping for a little help or guidance to fix this nuisance. I’ve looked everywhere to see if I could Identify the issue, but no luck. Otherwise everythning functins well.

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  • Thread Starter ofields



    Thread Starter ofields



    Could you help me?

    I am trying to use the same theme at https://www.shizazzle.com

    No thumnails are working or featured post pictures. apparanately the script is looking for it in the wrong place. I’m told that uploads go to https://www.shizazzle.com/wp-content/uploads and the theme is looking in /themes/premiumnews…/images

    Could you help me with this problem? How did you fix your issue

    Seems to be a big problem. My posts on the front page are also not showing. What could it be?

    Hey, I am wondering how did you guys fix this issue. I post vids and images just as the woothemes website says I should, but instead of just one vid appearing on the front page, all vids appear, just right beneath one another.
    Also, I upload images and in the featured section nothing appears, am I putting the images in the wrong spot? I always scroll all the way down to premium news custom settings and then upload the image from there, however, not even a featured thing appears on my site.


    I would like to know too, Im having the exact same issue with the same theme and I cant seem to find any possible explanation.

    the link to the website is https://ahiequeprende.com/ and its only showing the posts from february.

    I seem to have figured out a workaround for the thumbnail image issue. When I use the Premium News Custom Settings to upload my photo, nothing happens, but if I enter the URL of an image already uploaded to my gallery into the Value field in the Custom Fields section it will show up. It sucks there isn’t really a fix, but this works for me so far.

    By the way, here’s a more in-depth thread on the issue https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/365088

    I’m currently having the same problem where my video is showing more then one at a time. I also cannot seem to get my “Featured Posts” slide show to work, anyone have any ideas? I cant seem to find a fix anywhere, heres the link to my site: immagical.com

    Thanks in advance!

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