Hi Jan, sorry to hear about this.
The decision to change the editor seems to be based on a number of factors. Please note – I am not on the WordPress team or board or anything. Just a developer that uses and builds for it daily.
Per your comments:
WP was stuck, literally, in a sort of time-capsule compared to other website creation/management tools. In order for it to move forward and allow companies and people who wanted to use things like React or Angular or even just build a super custom thing on top of the wordpress ecosystem – WP had to change their entire codebase to allow that to happen.
Yes it appears a step back. Please understand this is like Public Version 1.0 of it being out there. If you used WordPress when it first came out, you would recall that it wasn’t very useful in the beginning, except just for blogs. But now? Now it’s used all over the world by thousands of companies and people for amazing sites of all kinds.
Gutenberg is a step for the next 10 years of the future of WordPress. I am fully confident it will only get better with time, because honestly, that is how my experience with WP has been since 2003. It gets better.
If I can help in any other way, just hit me back here. I’ll try to respond within 36 hours.